It's isn't just because I'm just enjoying it less, and less everyday due to my inept, It's more because I don't want to make People I befriend feel unsafe around me anymore.
I won't sugar coat it, I've hurt some people here.Verbally and Emotionally. Some, get the abuse more than others. All over my anger, and my vandictiveness over the stupidest and childish things. My need to hurt someone who I felt wronged me. I won't name names to the one I've hurt, but I was pretty cruel to them when they get under my skin, and I constantly abuse their trust so I could dominate them, to make them feel that I'm in control. As much I'm sorry for what I've done, I feel like I won't change as a person. I get worse and worse everyday, and I feel it best to step away from it all before something truly serious happen.
If I'm leaving any characters with someone, I want to leave Alona to Coast, as he has the most experience with her than anyone here. People doing threads with me? Just do whatever you want. I personally don't really care anymore.
I wish everyone good luck.