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 Adoption of Adamantine the Beldum

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Adoption of Adamantine the Beldum Empty
PostSubject: Adoption of Adamantine the Beldum   Adoption of Adamantine the Beldum EmptyFri Dec 25, 2015 6:35 am

» Name: Adamantine
» Gender: Unknown
» Species: #374, Beldum, the Iron Ball Pokemon
» Affiliation/Rank: Wanderer

» Why do you want to adopt them?: First off, one look at Adamantine reminded me of two OCs I used to RP as on a few games. Seeing as I have a fairly small bit of experience with characters of this nature, I think that I will find it easy to pull off for my RP style. Plus, if there is in fact a hole in the bio (not that I see one), I am confident that I can fill it in a way that does not clash with their personality.

Second, Beldum was actually my second choice for what I should pick for my first character. It lost out to a Minun, but it was definitely one of my top 2 picks for my first character. Considering that this is a Beldum that matches some of my preferences for a character, I believe I will find RPing as Adamantine to be very entertaining whilst still keeping the structure of their personality intact and gradually shifting slightly.

Third… (it’s a freaking robot) reading his personality and history intrigues me. Adamantine is intelligent and curious, despite the fact that, yes, he could sound like a classic robot from old sci-fi movies. Not only do parts of his personality match mine in a way, but the parts that don’t match are things that I could imagine fairly accurately.

» Sample of roleplay:

Adamantine had been trawling the forest for what seemed like hours. Why was it that the mysterious area called Pecha Forest yielded no items for the Beldum? ”Clearly there must be something around here that could be of use to me…” it spoke to itself. The Steel/Psychic type let out an audible sigh. Never before had it felt this isolated from its brethren, but Adam had made its choice the moment that it decided to break away from the flock. Of course, it found complete independence to be somewhat lonesome and relied on others to aid him at times.

The Beldum continued on in silence, only accompanied by its own thoughts. Its focus was solely on finding something of value or any other Pokemon in the area. Suddenly, as Adam was about to continue past the current area, a faint yet present plea was heard in the distance. Whatever could that be? it thought, floating towards the source of the noise. A fairly small Murkrow was trapped underneath a fallen trunk! “H-Help!” it cried faintly due to the crushing weight of the wood. Adam simply charged up and smashed into the trunk, causing splinters to scatter as the tree moved slightly. The Murkrow kept quiet as he repeated the Take Down over and over, slowly but surely moving the weight.

After a few more consecutive attacks, the trunk rolled off of the Pokemon to Adam’s delight. The repeated Take Downs started to take a toll on it physically, resulting in a small amount of pain. Surprisingly, this was natural for the Beldum despite its entire makeup of solid steel. “Thank you so much!” the Murkrow crowed happily. It gave its version of a delighted look and nodded. ”It was my pleasure.” the reply rang out in its usual robotic voice. The bird seemed a bit off about its tone, but relaxed once the avian realized that Adam meant no harm. As soon as it flew away, Adam began to sink deeper and deeper in thought about his deed. So this feeling I have again, this warmth I sense radiating from my body… This is the same I felt with my Aron companion whilst aiding him. I do enjoy this immensely, but perhaps I could increase the likelihood of it occurring again if I partake in the guild’s routine. It is settled then; my past aspirations are now my current goals. I will join the guild and become an explorer.

» Link to the original bio: Linky Linky!
» Levels of existing characters: Raze: Level 10
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Adoption of Adamantine the Beldum Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adoption of Adamantine the Beldum   Adoption of Adamantine the Beldum EmptySat Dec 26, 2015 2:19 am

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