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 Amia Revolution Rp

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2 posters
Kitsune Empress

Kitsune Empress

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Amia Revolution Rp  Empty
PostSubject: Amia Revolution Rp    Amia Revolution Rp  EmptyWed Oct 21, 2015 3:53 am

-Beep beep beep beep-

The soft, repetitive ring of the clock, barely noticeable at first yet still steadily rising in tone, becoming louder and louder as the owner failed to turn it off before it peaked at a bleating, annoying screeching. The form snuggled under the heavy maroon covers shifted slowly, the girl hidden underneath reaching a long tan arm out from it’s depths to slam down on the alarm. After silencing the annoying thing, the teenager kicked the covers off her, running her hand through her messy hair. She cracked her neck, rolled her shoulders, and stretched out on the bed, letting out a loud yawn as she did so. 

The teenager slumped, staring at the silent clock with sleepy, dead eyes. The red text on the clock read 5:30 in blinking text, the teen made a small noise. ”To early.” she mumbled in a voice rough from sleep, she pressed her fingertips into her shoulder and massaged lightly, snorting in mild disdain. She hated waking up so early, but with school raging on her, she just had to get a early start. The teenager swung her legs over the side of the bed, standing up on the carpeted floor. She smoothed out the wrinkles on her pajama pants bottoms, a light blue leopard print she brought last year at a supermarket, and stretched out her back. 

A voice yelled up at her from downstairs, ”Riley! Are you up? If not get up and go get ready!” Riley flinched from the loudness of her mother’s voice. She made another noise and scratched her head lazily. The teenager took a few steps to her drawer, pulling out her signature outfit consisting of Baggy pants and a long tank top. After going to the bathroom and getting herself cleaned up, she leisurely walked down the stairs while yawning loudly. A tall, black haired woman stood in the dining room, placing plates of food onto the covered table. Her long hair was pulled up into a bun, a few loose strands hanging in her face. She was donned in a black sweater, a long white skirt, and a bright pink apron with, 'Enjoy my food or face my wrath.' In elabore, fancy cursive.

She turned her brown eyes to her daughter as the teenager sat down at the table, "It's good to see you get up on your own, I was starting to worry that you'll never stop breaking your alarm clock." Riley shrugged, "I don't like loud noises." she stated as sounds of footsteps reached the room.

The redhead turned to acknowledge the older man as he pulled up a seat at the table. He grunted, running his hand through his messy black hair. The girl shrugged lightly again, before starting to eat. Her mother just shook her head, honestly the girl and her father were just alike, they never said much in the mornings or during the day either. Heck, at least Riley talks, Raymond says absolutely nothing half the time. Said man stared at his wife blankly, an expression he is well known for. The woman blushed lightly, eyebrows twitching. "Don't even start today!"

Riley just ignored her parents and ate, finishing up the remaining food on her plate. After the teen finished, she took her dishware and put it in the sink before going into the dining room to laze around until it was time for her to get going. She checked her bookbag, made sure she had everything she need for this day, and shrugged on her favorite Hoodie. She grabbed the car keys resting on the table and waved at her parents, who were having a one sided discussion overy things she really didn't want to hear, Gross

Riley hurried out the door and got into her car, a decent sized jeep. She tossed her bookbag into the passenger side and started up the car. It didn't take her long before she was driving to school, heading to the large district of Alamin High school. Said high school was a large, castle like building. It had a elegant design and gardens that boasted beautiful, bold colors. She pulled into the parking lot and parked her car. Riley shrugged on her bookbag and locked the doors, placing her keys into the inside of her jacket pocket.

The teenager didn't look like she should be going to such a beautiful school, she was punkish in her style and didn't boast normal white colors of the school. She prefered her dark colored clothing with slashes of neon, the contrast makes the bright colors stand out better. She had simple studded earrings, bright red hair, and a look that just screamed, 'Why the hell are you talking to me.' But against all that, she was a brilliant student and took care of business, it's why she was one of the top students in her year. Besides, Alamin may look high class, but don't be fooled, it's a affordable public school that accepts any student in its districts. It only looks so amazing because the Staff and students worked so hard to give the old fashion school some new life.

Riley is certainly one of those students, helping out with the gardening, art, and community involvement clubs over her years here to make it look beautiful. While the students at this School is full of mixed crowds, a majority of its inhabitants are fairly well behaved. The school was large, containing a whopping 5000 students from across the area, the school was large enough to qualify as a small university campus.

Riley was a 17 year old Senior on her last year of high school, a C to A student that likes to stay after and hang around because she has nothing better to do. She often spends her time helping out teachers or clubs, but she isn't officially a member of any. In truth, the teen didn't have to be here until 11:45 am, when lunch starts. She has no classes in the mornings, only in the afternoons, she has a few online classes that she's pretty much working. 

The clocks read 9:35 am, classes started at 8:00am and most students will probably be in their second or third classes. Of course a few skippers roamed the halls, students who are running errands going back and forth from different areas of the school. Riley set her bag down on a table seat, before sitting down next to it. She was currently in the Lobby and Cafeteria section of the school, sitting at one of the round tables that was scattered throughout the area. The teen kicked one of her legs lazily, resting her cheek on the palm of her hand. She was content to wait here until lunch started. Plenty of time to finish her her leftover homework.
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Amia Revolution Rp  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Amia Revolution Rp    Amia Revolution Rp  EmptyThu Oct 22, 2015 6:06 pm

Knocking could be heard on the door of a large bedroom. An 18 year old girl was sleeping silently at her desk. “Miss Christina? Are you awake? You need to get ready for school.” The girl slowly opened her eyes. She recognized the voice of one of the maids. She sat up and stretched her arms. The girl rubbed her eyes as she looked at her clock sleepy. She suddenly jolted up as she saw it was already 6 am. “Oh crap, I overslept.” She glanced over at her desk and groaned. “And I fell asleep while studying again. I hope I won’t screw up this test.”

The girl, Christina, stood up and went to her personal bathroom. When was the last time I showered? It already was a few days ago, wasn’t it? Christina sighed and took off her clothes and stepped into shower. Seemed she was going to skip breakfast this morning. The shower was pretty refreshing though. When she got out she quickly searched out some clothes to wear. Christina put on a normal white shirt, a pair of jeans and some black sneakers. She quickly went through her hair with the hairbrush, but it wasn’t dry enough yet to do it right. Chris sighed and put it down. She would comb it on the way to school.

Christina was about to leave the bathroom when she realized she forgot something. She reached to her neck and looked back to see a silver necklace and a silver bracelet laying under the mirror. She walked back and put them on. “Mom…” Christina looked sad for a moment as her hand automatically reached for the heart when she said that.

Suddenly the maid was knocking on her door again. “Miss Christina? Are you ready? You should hurry up or you will be late.” That took the girl back to reality. “Five more minutes.” Christina quickly gathered her school supplies and made sure she didn’t forget anything. She made sure to bring a comb with her. She also stuffed her small wallet in the schoolbag. After looking back one more time she ran downstairs. There she was greeted by the same maid who woke her up.

“Good morning, miss. Did you sleep well?” The maid that greeted her was around 40 years old and had tied up her hair. She was always the one that took care of Christina when her parents were too busy. “Yes, I did. Is father here?” Christina already expected the answer she was going to get. “I’m sorry, he already left for work. You should leave for school too if you don’t want to be late. Do you have everything you need?” Christina was a bit disappointed her father had already left but the maid was right. She just nodded and walked outside.

Christina lived in a nice mansion on the outskirts of the city. Her family was pretty rich and her father owned a big company. She was sure to not let it show though. Although she did seem like an average senior student, she had excellent grades and often was top of the class. Any less just wasn’t acceptable for her family. Everyone expected she would one day take over her father his company. She also heard a rumor that her grandparents wanted to arrange a marriage with the son of a rivaling company. That was not something she agreed with and luckily for her, her father was against it too. Even though her father could get her anything she wanted, she actually didn’t need all the money. She only wanted to spend time with her friends and family. She tried very hard to keep her wealth a secret, but that wasn’t easy. She didn’t join a lot of clubs or activities in school and focused mostly on studying. Because of that, she didn’t have a lot of friends.

In front of the mansion a small car was parked. She especially had asked for a cheap car to not stand out too much, although her father was going to buy her a more expensive one. She also didn’t want anyone to drive her to school. Christina got in and put the bag next to her. She waved at the maid before driving off to school.

Christina pulled over and rushed into the building. She glanced at the clock that was hanging above the doors. It was 7:55 am. It seems she made it. She soon was going to take her first class. She had a test during the second one. She wasn’t looking forward to it. She always felt she never studied enough for tests.
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Kitsune Empress

Kitsune Empress

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Amia Revolution Rp  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Amia Revolution Rp    Amia Revolution Rp  EmptyTue Oct 27, 2015 5:28 pm

(As Gm)
As Christina would enter into her class, she would be greeted by the sight of many students talking amongst themselves. 

The classroom was large, it extended in a rectangle 30 ft by 60ft. It's ceiling raised above at 40 ft, the tiles that covered the floor was a light tan and cyan color, crossing in a checkerboard pattern. The smooth plaster walls was painted a light cyan with white stripes. The ceiling itself had cross shape beams attached, each beam had a line of lights that illuminates the room. Large gothic style windows rested 15 ft above the ground, decorated with colorful stain glass edges. The lower edge of the walls around the perimeter of the class was a solid tan.

The room contained 30 single desks, arranged around the room in rows of 5, 6 desks in each row. The rows were split in half so that 15 desks was on one side and 15 on the other. In front on the left side of the classroom was the teacher's desk, it was made out of Oakwood and was slightly messy with documents, a project lamp, a can of stencils, and a computer.

I'm the front of the classroom, a large whiteboard covered the lower part of the wall, along its ridges was various markers, erasers, and other materials. A projector hanged from the ceiling, pointing at the board, Base cabinets and normal cabinets alike lined the lower walls. Overall, this classroom was one of the large varieties for more larger classes. And currently it was inhabited by students and a teacher.

A tall young man stood writing on the whiteboard, his fancy handwriting spelling out the phrase, 'English 4'. He is a pale man, he had brown hair slicked back to his neckline, a finely defined face, and was dressed in a simple dress shirt and slacks combo. 10 students were currently in class, doing various things.

Two girls chatted idly to each other, one had long black hair with a red highlight, she was writing in a notebook while nodding to her classmate, a blond girl with bright green eyes. In the back, a tall, broad teenage boy joked with a short girl about the game he had last week, another guy walked over and punched his arm lightly, before joined the conversation. Other students were scattered around the desks, a girl with braids wearing glasses, a guy wearing a sombrero for whatever reason, and another wearing a hood with cat ears on it.

The teacher glanced over at Christina, "Christina Razaad, go to seat 16, your former seat is being taken by the new transfer student. After that, he looked back at the board and started writing the lesson plan in the bulletin section of the board.
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Posts : 817
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Join date : 2015-09-25
Location : The land of chocolate

Amia Revolution Rp  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Amia Revolution Rp    Amia Revolution Rp  EmptyMon Nov 02, 2015 11:35 am

Christina sighed. Couldn't the transfer student just sit in an empty seat instead of taking hers? She quietly moved to the seat and sat down. She took out her English course book, a notebook and a pen. She looked around as she patiently waited for class to start.

Class was pretty boring in general. The teacher in general wasn't that strict. As long as the students didn't disturb the class he didn't care what they did. Some students took the opportunity to sleep in class, others were just doodling or daydreaming. She saw the girls in front of her were communicating with eachother using notes.

Christina shook her head and tried to pay attention to class. The teacher was telling them about more difficult grammar. She made sure to note down the things she had to remember.

It seemed to take forever before class ended. When the bell rang to indicate class was over the teacher gave them homework to do for the next class. The students groaned in disapproval. Christina quickly wrote the task down before going to her next class. She was hoping her math test would go well. She was one of the first to arrive in the class and she sat down at her usual place.

Class started a bit later and the teacher handed the students their tests. It was pretty difficult but Christina did study a lot for this. She concentrated and carefully looked over every question to make sure she didn't mess up too bad. At the end off the class the teacher went around for the tests and Christina was relieved it was over. However, she wasn't exactly waiting for more homework as the teacher gave them some. She sighed and packed her things and left the class after the bell rang. They were supposed to have a break now. A bit absentminded, she walked to the cafetaria. Maybe she would be able to get a snack from one of the snack machines there.
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