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 Flailing Uselessly

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Flailing Uselessly Empty
PostSubject: Flailing Uselessly   Flailing Uselessly EmptySun Aug 23, 2015 4:48 am

Energy: 29
Items in Use: Stamina Band (-2 energy to all encounters)

Silverdawn raced through the wilderness, barely putting out any effort to sense where she was going -only enough to prevent herself from slamming into trees, rocks, and the like. She wanted to put the events of the day out of her mind.

She didn't want to think about how happy Aaron must be with his new partner, Alona. She didn't want to think about how Aaron would abandon her to pay attention to the Sylveon. She definitely didn't want to think about the similarities to her childhood!

She finally reached the entrance to Pricklemist Hill, where she could taste the heavy wetness of the mist in the air. She knew that somewhere in this dungeon, two gastly outlaws awaited her. She would prove to herself -and to Aaron- that she didn't need him, just like he didn't need her. She'd proved to her parents that she could survive without them; and she was going to do the same thing here!

Mission Taken:
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Monokuma Pikachu

Monokuma Pikachu

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Flailing Uselessly Empty
PostSubject: Re: Flailing Uselessly   Flailing Uselessly EmptySun Aug 23, 2015 5:15 am

"This is bad, this is really bad!" Was all Aaron could think of at the moment as he raced to the Pricklemist Hill Dungeon, using his brand new echolocation technique to guide him. The Deino knew that Silverdawn was jealous with Alona. So Jealous that she won't even listen to reason! She even ran off on her own to do a mission by herself! All this because she wanted to prove herself. Aaron knew this feeling too well, he even did this little stunt once in his life. However, he sees things differently now. Aaron is just afraid Silverdawn will push herself too hard. "I really hope I'm not too late." Aaron sighed. As soon as he arrived to the Dungeon, He called out to his partner. "Silver? Silverdawn! You can't do this on your own!"

Aaron wasn't panicking, but he was distressed. The wetness of this air isn't really helping his mood. He doesn't even know where to begin searching, she could be anywhere in this dungeon. And what he gathered with the guild members, They were dealing with two Gastly outlaws. While He and Silverdawn are experienced fighters at this point, they never fought an outlaw before. The Deino took a deep breath. "Hold on Silver, I'm coming. Don't do anything that you'll regret." He than began his search for Silverdawn, praying that he doesn't encounter the outlaws beforehand.
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Flailing Uselessly Empty
PostSubject: Re: Flailing Uselessly   Flailing Uselessly EmptySun Aug 23, 2015 5:38 am

Energy: 29 - 10 (dungeon) = 19
Items in Use: Stamina Band (-2 energy to all encounters)

Silverdawn continued on into the dungeon, soon burying herself deep within the curse. The hill dungeon was a type of dungeon new and unfamiliar to the Arbok. In her travels, she had mostly kept to forest dungeons, only traveling to the barren desert once. That particular instance had been a nightmare she had not made the mistake of trying ever again.

The hill dungeon was certainly quite different than the forests or the desert. Whereas in the forests, the dungeon curse usually made clear paths through the trees, interspersed with clearings here and there; and the desert had pretty much been wandering over flat, unchanging, sandy terrain, the hill dungeon had a much different feel to it.

There didn't seem to be any clear path -no road of gravel or even sand; just flat grass everywhere. There didn't seem to be any trees or lowered groove in the ground to guide the way. The mist clung to everything, making scents and vibrations muddled, and even echolocation didn't do very much for Silverdawn, with so little around for the echoes to bounce off of.
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Monokuma Pikachu

Monokuma Pikachu

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Flailing Uselessly Empty
PostSubject: Re: Flailing Uselessly   Flailing Uselessly EmptySun Aug 23, 2015 6:30 am

Whatever this wetness is, is, it's interfering with Aaron's sense of smell. He could still smell, somewhat, but the mist is so overwhelming that he might as well not use it. He then uses his Echolocation trick. However, the echoes had a hard time bouncing to places, so that's off the table too. Thinking about it now, Wasn't Silverdawn depended on the Echolocation trick to help her see? Without that, she has no idea where she was! "Great, Another thing to worry about. Without that, she's helpless..." The Deino was even more concern with Silverdawn than ever. Luckily for Aaron, he had enough practice to guide himself without the use of his nose or Echolocation. It was extremely hard, but Aaron could, somewhat sense other Pokemon's Dark 'Pulse.'

The reason for this is because Aaron had been training with Noel to learn about Aura. Since Aaron could technically learn an Aura due to moves like Dark Pulse, he decided to train himself to sense a Pokemon's negative 'Pulse.' Pulse, because he could only feel the Pokemon's Aura by short, rhythmic bursts. This doesn't mean Aaron knew the move Dark Pulse, He just knows how to sense a Pokemon's negative Aura. And he's only limited to that. He can't sense anything else about Aura other than the negative ones. Sadness, Anger, you name it. They didn't have to feel it right now, though it would help. And while he is decent at it, he wanted to wait until he learns the real move before trying to master it. Regardless, he needs to find Silverdawn, and this was the only way to do it.

(26- 10 = 16)
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Flailing Uselessly Empty
PostSubject: Re: Flailing Uselessly   Flailing Uselessly EmptySun Aug 23, 2015 7:06 am

Despite Silverdawn's difficulty in navigation, she still pressed on stubbornly. If there was only one trait you could use to describe Silverdawn, it would be her stubbornness. Once she was determined to do something, she would not stop until she collapsed or achieved her goal.

So she continued on through the misty darkness, clinging to the ground as much as she could so that she could better sense every muddled vibration. She wasn't sure how she would recognize the outlaws, now that she thought about it. Gastly were levitating pokemon; not to mention, they were ghost pokemon. They were inherently cold and lifeless; her heat-sensors would not pick up the ghosts, nor could echolocation pick them up since gastly were little more than large balls of gas.

Silverdawn stopped for a moment, curling up in one spot to keep her warmth, now that she was no longer moving. Perhaps she had miscalculated. Well, not perhaps. More like, big-time. She had been so angry and hurt that she hadn't stopped to think about how she was even going to go about catching the outlaws on her own!

Silver carried out 5 launched of one Pricklemist Hill :
Flailing Uselessly BiMfolZ , Flailing Uselessly Z6MECRT , Flailing Uselessly P6v4XNN , Flailing Uselessly 7lJaJWp , Flailing Uselessly BiMfolZ
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Monokuma Pikachu

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Flailing Uselessly Empty
PostSubject: Re: Flailing Uselessly   Flailing Uselessly EmptySun Aug 23, 2015 7:36 am

Aaron carried on with his search, using his new trick to hopefully sense Silverdawn's Dark Aura. With how she was feeling right now, he should recognize it pretty soon. In fact, he could sense something coming up the hill he was climbing. However, it was extremely vague. Was it her? All he knew, it was some feral acting up. Still... He better is following it, just to make sure. Aaron slowly got closer to the source of the Dark Aura, the grass brushes his fur for each step he takes. It itches, but he paid no mind. Soon, the Dark Aura could be sensed a lot more clearer now. Each Pulse throbbed Aaron's senses. It felt like it was Jealousy, Anger, hurt. It Silverdawn alright! And judging from her Aura, she isn't in too much of a trouble. Still, he would like to get to her as fast as he can. He pressed onward! He has to get to her before something bad happens!

Monokuma Pikachu carried out 6 launched of one Pricklemist Hill :
Flailing Uselessly AMINlrQ , Flailing Uselessly Z6MECRT , Flailing Uselessly 3Hw1fdP , Flailing Uselessly Z6MECRT , Flailing Uselessly La94TiN , Flailing Uselessly AZTkyVm
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Flailing Uselessly Empty
PostSubject: Re: Flailing Uselessly   Flailing Uselessly EmptyMon Aug 24, 2015 1:58 am

Energy: 19 + 2 = 21
Items in Use: Stamina Band (-2 energy to all negative encounters)

Silverdawn, after slumping over for a moment or two, decided that wallowing in her bad choices was no way to fix them. So she rose up and continued on her way. She would figure something out, she was sure. Maybe she could find an orb of some sort that could reveal ghost types or something. If only she knew the foresight technique; she could reveal the ghosts that way. But she was unable to learn said technique, and so was out of luck in that category. Silverdawn just didn't know what to do.
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Monokuma Pikachu

Monokuma Pikachu

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Flailing Uselessly Empty
PostSubject: Re: Flailing Uselessly   Flailing Uselessly EmptyTue Aug 25, 2015 8:06 pm

(Please Ignore the whole dark pulse thing, I made a mistake.)

Aaron continued to wander aimlessly in the dungeon. He couldn't smell anything, nor use his echolocation due to this mist. He had a feeling he was getting close to Silverdawn, but it was just a feeling. "This is impossible! How am I going to find her like this?" Oh, he couldn't wait until the day he evolves into that fearsome dragon! To finally see what the world is like! But before that could even happen, he needed to get stronger. And before he can get stronger, he needs to find Silverdawn and finish this mission. "Silverdawn! Silver! Where are you?" Aaron cried out. Little does the dragon type know, he was close to a Poisonous Snake. If it was Silverdawn or not is yet to be determined.

(16- 9 = 7)
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Flailing Uselessly Empty
PostSubject: Re: Flailing Uselessly   Flailing Uselessly EmptyThu Aug 27, 2015 5:31 am

(what in the.... ??? I was checking our thread but the site messed up; just saw that you posted, sawwry ;a;)

As Silverdawn continued to wander through the mists, she suddenly found herself falling into a small hole in the ground -a trap of some sort. But for some reason, the normal spikes and nasty things weren't in the pitfall trap like one would expect from traps such as these within mystery dungeons. Perhaps it had been a mere hole that a pokemon had dug? Or the trap could be very old and the danger worn away with time? Whatever the reason, Silverdawn was grateful not to have sustained any damage -other than the dent to her pride.

Silverdawn hoisted herself out of the hole, and continued on through the mist. Before long, she scented a familiar scent. She followed the scent to the base of a small, scraggly tree. A pile of small rocks and an orb lay at the base of said tree. Silverdawn sniffed at the orb curiously. The scent was familiar to her, but she couldn't place the scent. It was of no pokemon that she personally knew, but the scent nagged at her.

"Where did you come from?" She asked the orb as she scooped it into her bag, along with the two rocks -who knew when having a few stones to hurl might come in handy?
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Monokuma Pikachu

Monokuma Pikachu

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Flailing Uselessly Empty
PostSubject: Re: Flailing Uselessly   Flailing Uselessly EmptySat Aug 29, 2015 1:04 am

"This is stupid! Silverdawn where the hell are you?" Aaron grew frustrated. at the situation, at the mist that refusing to let Aaron smell accurately, and more importantly, Silverdawn. If she didn't overreact with Alona and Aaron being together, they would definitely be able to beat this mission together with ease! Yet, here they are, separated! They were suppose to be a team! Why did she run off like that? He knew why, she was jealous! Just because she thinks that since he was with another Pokemon, he was going to abandon her. It was almost infuriating to think about it. It would be better if he calmed down. He won't be able to gain anything if he takes it out on his partner.  Aaron sighed and pressed onward up the grassy hill.

As Aaron continued his little travel, his nose did pick up some sort of scent. "So... I can smell something after all, though barely. This Mist is really messing with my sense of smell."It smelled like some items, being close together. Aaron decided to search whatever this scent was. It could prove to be quite useful. Aaron eventually made his way to a scraggly tree, bumping his head on the trunks. Shaking his head, the Deino searched around for that seed. It didn't really take long, considering that the scent was literally right next to him. There were some items stashed in a hole, which Aaron tool with no issue and placed them in his bag. "Ok, got those. Now, where is she?"
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Flailing Uselessly Empty
PostSubject: Re: Flailing Uselessly   Flailing Uselessly EmptySun Aug 30, 2015 9:26 pm

After placing the items in her bag, Silverdawn pulled herself up from the ground. Her hood flared out slightly in her irritation as her tongue flickered out of her mouth, attempting to taste anything other than damp wet from the mist. The mist and lack of landmarks was really interfering with Silverdawn's ability to navigate the dungeon.

The smells were muddled from the mist, but she could scent something. It was faint and unclear, but it tasted sharp and cold. Silverdawn was unsure what scent it was. Since the scent was overlain by the mist, it was difficult to pinpoint what exactly was making the scent. She was wary of running into something that she could not handle, but she decided to follow the scent anyways, as she had no other reference with which to decide where to travel.

She headed in the direction of the scent, hoping against hope that whatever was giving off the strange scent was not going to land her in hot water.

Silver carried out 5 launched of one Pricklemist Hill :
Flailing Uselessly Z6MECRT , Flailing Uselessly A9jBxN0 , Flailing Uselessly EaYCu7Z , Flailing Uselessly 61DKusc , Flailing Uselessly 3Hw1fdP

(Btw, just a note, we don't have to roll the mission dice to find the gastly. We get to decide when we run into it so yay. I'll probably have silverdawn run into the gastly sooner rather than later, I just wanted to wait at least until we got to the next page.)
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Monokuma Pikachu

Monokuma Pikachu

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Flailing Uselessly Empty
PostSubject: Re: Flailing Uselessly   Flailing Uselessly EmptyTue Sep 01, 2015 5:09 am

Aaron checked each items by sniffing each of them. By the smell of them, he got a revival seed, a quick seed, and two glassy things which he can only assume are orbs. As soon as he places each of them back in his bag, he felt rather uneasy all the sudden. Like, something was behind him, ready to attack. When he turned around to check whoever was there, he was suddenly wrapped around with something scaly. Aaron struggled to get out of it grips, but each time he did so, it tightens its grip, crushing the little Deino more, and more. Was this Silverdawn? Has she been infected by the darkness in the sky? He can't tell, being crushed like this hardly helps. He needed a plan, and quick. Silverdawn or not, he can't just sit there and let whoever this is crushes him. Aaron mustered all of his energy to emit sparks of Electricity. It was now or never! Aaron bit into the Snake Pokemon, causing it to hiss and loosening it grips on Aaron. Before he could follow up, the Snake backed off to compose itself before getting ready to attacking again.
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Flailing Uselessly Empty
PostSubject: Re: Flailing Uselessly   Flailing Uselessly EmptyTue Sep 01, 2015 9:45 pm

Silverdawn hissed in irritation as she continued to make her way through the misty terrain. The heavy wet was making it incredibly difficult for her to navigate and she was quite frankly getting really sick of it. She had not been this frustrated about her lack of sight since she had first lost the use of her eyes.

She had already lost the scent she had been following, and was now randomly making her way through the mist. She was sure that she was going in circles, but had no way to prove it. She stopped and sighed. Why had she done such a foolish thing as to run off to do a mission on her own?

Oh yes, because Aaron decided to be a jerk and reveal that, like everyone else in Silverdawn's life, he didn't need her any more. In fact, he had never needed her. Silverdawn hissed in anger at the thoughts running through her. The more she thought about the situation with Aaron, the less she felt hurt and the more she felt angry.

She wasn't the tiny, terrified snake she used to be, not anymore. She was a large, powerful Arbok, who was able to take care of herself. Silverdawn didn't need Aaron; it was his loss now that he decided to leave her. But that didn't stop her from being angry at him. She'd do this mission, and prove to him that she didn't need him.

She continued to make her way through the dungeon, these thoughts running through her mind. She was going to find these gastly and give them what-for! They'd know not to cross her or anyone else again, that was for sure!

Silverdawn heard a twig snap not far from her, and she whipped towards the sound, raising herself up menacingly, her hood flaring out with a vicious hiss. This was her chance! She'd prove that she didn't need anyone but herself!
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Monokuma Pikachu

Monokuma Pikachu

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Flailing Uselessly Empty
PostSubject: Re: Flailing Uselessly   Flailing Uselessly EmptyTue Sep 01, 2015 10:47 pm

Aaron was no stranger when fighting blind, but his scent of smell, of one of his most important skills to not only navigate, but to smell other Pokemon to track, especially his opponents, isn't working! He didn't like it, but he had to use his sense of hearing. It was the next best thing he had at the moment. Aaron took a deep breath and focused on whatever sounds this Pokemon makes. The Seviper was quick with its movement and slithered his way towards Aaron. The grass rustled for every inch it was moving. Perfect, the sound it was making is helping him pinpoint its location. Aaron took a step back, preparing himself for any attack it was thinking of doing. However, an Idea came into his mind. It this Pokemon was a Female, he could use that to his advantage and 'Attract' it to help him find Silverdawn. A fresh pair of eyes was all he needed to find that Paranoid snake.

Silverdawn, the more he thought about it, the more he wanted to scald her about the way she was acting. So what that Alona and him are together now? That doesn't give her the right to jump to conclusion like that! He didn't care how bad her history is, if she doesn't let it go, she'll never be happy. And he was going to remind her abou-

While Aaron was distracted, he didn't realize that the Snake Pokemon closed in on him. Sure, Enough, Aaron felt a strange wetness on his cheeks. Did... Did it lick him? "HEY! why did you..." Aaron's body suddenly felt strained for some reason. In fact, every movement he made was restricted! Every time he moved, the pain get worse. What was this status effect? "W-what did you do to me?"
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Flailing Uselessly Empty
PostSubject: Re: Flailing Uselessly   Flailing Uselessly EmptyWed Sep 02, 2015 3:50 am

Silverdawn's attention was focused on the pokemon currently rustling its way out of the undergrowth to her left. She heard a slight humming and little squeaking noises as something made its way towards her. She shifted her weight, her hood dropping a little with her confusion. It wasn't going to attack her?

Her tongue flickered out, tasting the air. It wasn't the sharp cold scent from before, but rather an earthy, warm scent. It was some sort of warm-blooded pokemon, though the exact species escaped her with the scent of wet overpowering most of the smell.

"Don't come any closer if you don't want to get bitten!" She hissed in warning, figuring that if it was a feral, it would simply attack and then she could get the fight over with.
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