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 Riddle Me This

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Posts : 1730
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Join date : 2014-05-16
Location : Right behind you with a knife.

Riddle Me This Empty
PostSubject: Riddle Me This   Riddle Me This EmptyMon Jul 13, 2015 4:42 pm

Energy: 31 - 20 = 11

Pterra was currently brooding. He scowled to himself, reflecting on the past few months of his life. He had been acting most out-of-character for himself. There was just something about this strange land he found himself in after fleeing the town of his birth, that caused him to act in a most irregular manner. He found himself acting more out of emotion than logic, which was simply unacceptable!

He snorted impatiently, shaking his head. He needed to clear his head and start acting like the proper intelligent pokemon that he knew he was! He looked around his surroundings. He was in a cave not far from the misty hill where that thrice-damned buizel had gotten the better of him, and then had saved him from a rather nasty defeat at the paws of -he still couldn't believe it, the shame!- a puny kricketot.

Pterra glared into the shadows of the cavern. He rather hoped that someone would stumble across him at this point. It would give him an excuse to give them a taste of his ire -though, a better style than he'd been giving before. This time, he'd make them cry when they realized how stupid they were, unable to answer his riddles!
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Riddle Me This Empty
PostSubject: Re: Riddle Me This   Riddle Me This EmptyMon Jul 13, 2015 6:27 pm

Miss Treavus: {24 - 20 (entrance) = 4}

Bored of the townsfolk and sick of the sunlight, the Misdreavus sought out a nice dark and lonesome cave, which wouldn't be too bad to explore in the meantime. Plus, with the possibility that there might be crystals within, it could be worth it in the end for the purpose of ingredients for some potions. Even if she didn't find anything, it was worth the experience.

Carelessly, the ghost type phased right through the wall of the cave entrance, embracing the sweet cold darkness of the shade in the cave. If she were lucky enough, hopefully she wouldn't run into anyone, not even wild Pokemon that stupidly challenge every Pokemon to a fight on sight. Even if any did show up, she could just Shadow Sneak away, and if all else fails, simply attack them back. That was only her last resort, however, because she didn't want to risk losing her Mysterious Stone. She had to finish figuring out what it was.

Gina doubted the stone could somehow be linked with the events that were currently going on. Pokemon going insane? That sounded like the doing of the rock material on Black Mist's peak. That mineral caused illusions and nonsensical behavior. The alchemist knew the cure to that, but this was different, more like an epidemic. Insanity that was contagious? The long-living ghost had never heard of such a thing, and she lived for far longer than most of these puny Pokemon living in the town. They were starting to drive Genevieve crazy, too, so she just had to escape to this serene cavern.
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Join date : 2014-05-16
Location : Right behind you with a knife.

Riddle Me This Empty
PostSubject: Re: Riddle Me This   Riddle Me This EmptyTue Jul 14, 2015 1:23 am

Pterra peered into the darkness, his pale yellow eyes glinting menacingly as he observed the misdreavus that had just phased through the right wall of the cave. His eyes narrowed as he contemplated the ghost pokemon, wondering if it was intelligent or merely a feral pokemon. If it was a feral, he could use his pent-up energy to release a bit of misplaced aggression on it. If it was intelligent, he could use the pokemon for riddle practice. A malicious grin spread across Pterra's mouth as he contemplated the ideas, sharp fangs revealing themselves from beneath his thin lips.
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Riddle Me This Empty
PostSubject: Re: Riddle Me This   Riddle Me This EmptyWed Jul 15, 2015 12:46 am

Miss T: {4}

The ghost type turned her head to the entrance she hadn't bothered to go through. She noticed the large figure, and rolled her eyes, looking back towards the direction she was hovering.
"Just because I'm not paying attention to you doesn't mean I can't sense you and your thought type. There's no reason to mess with me, by the way," she spoke out confidently, expecting to take the flying type by surprise.

Genevieve could not read minds, even if it might seem so. There was pure science and logic as to why she could decipher so much from a facial expression or tone. In her ghost-filled hometown, everyone pretty much kept to themselves, and expressions of emotions had such little difference from each other that it became a norm, and easily distinguished from one another, as that was how they were taught. In comparison, every other Pokemon appeared to over react to everything, due to their highly exaggerated expressions. Miss T could easily extract thought types--never exact thoughts--by observing these extreme expressions, and this Aerodactyl's was a dead giveaway.
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Join date : 2014-05-16
Location : Right behind you with a knife.

Riddle Me This Empty
PostSubject: Re: Riddle Me This   Riddle Me This EmptyWed Jul 15, 2015 1:35 am

Pterra let out a low growl at the misdreavus' words. He hated psychics and the invasion of privacy they all committed, smug and righteous in their actions.

"Do you always invade someone's thoughts the moment you meet them?" he asked, unable to keep the ire from his tone. "Seems rather rude, in my opinion. That in and of itself is reason enough to "mess with you", as you say."

He paused triumphantly, sure that he had knocked the ghost down a couple of pegs.
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Riddle Me This Empty
PostSubject: Re: Riddle Me This   Riddle Me This EmptyThu Jul 16, 2015 3:19 pm

Miss T {4}

The Misdreavus took a double take and scoffed as the Aerodactyl retorted harshly.
"Invade your thoughts? All I did was look at your ridiculous smirking face and it was a dead giveaway that you were plotting something. Why don't you practice some poker faces for a while, they'd work great for crooks like you," she countered as if he said nothing offensive. He was factually incorrect, which made him look even more ridiculous. This would most likely be escalating into a full argument, whether becoming a battle of words or a physical one. She doubted the villain would ever back down from trying to insult, so this could very well last a long enough time for the short-lived creature to has wasted his life, because the ghost could do this for literal centuries. If that's how he wanted to spend his life, the Misdreavus couldn't care less.
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