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 Garnet the Charmander

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Garnet the Charmander Empty
PostSubject: Garnet the Charmander   Garnet the Charmander EmptyWed Apr 08, 2015 11:52 pm

» Name: Garnet Zircon
» Gender: Male
» Species: #498 Charmander, Lizard Pokémon
» Affiliation: N/A

» Level: 5
» Energy: 19
» Ability: Blaze
» Moves:
- Scratch (Birth)
- Tail Whip (Level 3)
- Outrage (Egg Move)
» Personality:
Garnet, by nature, is what most would call "bad", taking a sadistic pleasure in tormenting others.  If not for some enlightening things such as an incident in his past and his friends, he likely never would have realized this was wrong and would have went down a much different path in life.  Aside from this, he's very kind, patient and helpful for the most part.  However, if someone manages to make him dislike them, all of the nice qualities just fly away.

He knows he has issues and he doesn't approve of indulging himself in his devilish nature.  He can easily suppress the urge to harm others, albeit not always wanting to.  He avoids doing anything malicious in front of friends or potential friends and feels extreme guilt for harming innocents.  However, if someone is revealed to be guilty, he doesn't exactly consider them a living being worthy of consideration and kindness.  On the contrary, he considers them more of a play-thing, or an outlet for his desire to harm.

Garnet is not quick to forgive a stranger, being much more inclined to forgive a friend.  Even if it's an accident, he is not likely to let a grudge go if he doesn't already like someone.

» Likes:

Inflicting Pain on those he loathes - doesn't matter whether it's mental or physical, irritating them or flat out torture. He likes to see them suffer. He hides this around his friends however, but will remain passive aggressive towards them.

Fire - Not only are the flames warm and comforting, but they can also be very destructive and powerful. The flames cause pain towards others and are usually a favorite weapon of his when he's dealing with someone on his sh*t list.

Food - The delicious and wonderful varieties food often comes in is just fascinating for the little Lizard. He learned his love for food from his mother, and could technically be considered an amateur connoisseur.

» Dislikes:

His friends getting hurt - No. Seriously. Garnet will change his attitude towards those that harm his friends on a dime, even if they're friendly. If a friend hurts a friend he will be utterly torn, and probably break down. He has not exactly encountered this before, so his reaction varies on the situation. When his friends aren't around, and he's with someone who hurt his friends, he's going to attempt to make them wish they had never come within a fifty foot radius of them, whether through lawful means or not.

Happiny - Happinys only remind him of the one from his history, the one thing he's trying to forget. If he sees a happiny he's not going to be too happy, he'll probably become very depressed, and will refuse to talk about why.

His Own Aggression - He knows he's a bad little lizard that's going wee wee wee all the way to hell. He can't help liking it due to it being in his nature, but he dislikes it for the consequences it often brings.

» History:
Born to an Charizard father and a Emboar mother, he lived a rather mischievous life. His parents weren't exactly the best influences on the young little lizard, His father is the equivalent of today's rough tough biker gang member while his mother joined in on his shenanigans. When they had Garnet, their behavior changed a grand total of: not at all.  His father encouraged his son to show others who was boss, and his mother was usually too busy stuffing her face with food to do much parenting.

He built up a knack for bullying, making fun of others and bossing them around physically when they didn't fight back. He had gathered a following, becoming the leader of a small pack of four other pokemon as they went about ruining the baby's lives. There was one in specific that the charmander always made fun of on sight, a Happiny. She was rather young, and self conscious but still managed to stand up to them every time they made fun of someone else. Whenever they turned the table on her though, she would crumble and cry.

Garnet hated the Happiny, desiring to make her life miserable for how pathetic she was and how she would always ruin his fun. He pushed her around both physically and verbally, whenever someone complained to his parents, they wouldn't care. They were too busy having the time of their lives. The happiny's family finally announced that they were just going to have to move then, since Garnet's harassment was not stopped and there was no way to stop it out of fear that his parents might turn on them with a gang of their own.

However, the Happiny could not take leaving her friends, but she could not take the bullies's harassment either. She ran away, everyone in town went to search for her, including Garnet and his gang. However, they had different reasons for searching than to bring her home and claim for some kind of reward. He wasn't going to harm her, much, but he wasn't going to let someone get off the hook that easily.

Unluckily for the Happiny, they had found her, having the help of a Poochyena as one of Garnet's gang members. They had found her at a rather steep cliff side, looking down at the waters below. With a smirk, the group greeted the happiny, blocking her way to safety and cornering her at the cliff side. Garnet stepped closer and closer, attempting to scare the happiny into crying again, but to his surprise, the happiny jumped.

The jump shocked the entire group, they did not think she would actually do it. They all peered over the edge, hoping to see that some pokemon had caught the happiny or perhaps she had survived, but they saw nothing. Terrified, the group fled back to town, claiming how they had seen her jump but not quite explaining why she had jumped.

She was not found, not a sign of her. The beaches were combed, water pokemon searched the waters, and the little happiny was nowhere to be found. Oh what a horrible pokemon Garnet realized himself to be. The horror of the consequences of his actions shocked him into not leaving his house. The members of his old gang however had gone back to their normal selves after a few weeks of getting over the shock. They seemed to avoid the Charmander however, not wanting to be anywhere near the "murderer".

No more. No more would he bully those that didn't deserve it. If he had known what would have happened, he would not have done all that he did. The charmander could not forgive himself, and instead spent the next year sulking around the den and only going outside when his father forced him out. He had become a disappointment to his father, even when he had explained everything to his father, the Emboar was only upset that he was reacting so seriously to such a stupid thing.

Nobody would hang out with him, and his old friends avoided him like the plague. He was alone. During this year, law enforcement seemed to strengthen a bit in the town, and his mother and father left, not desiring to put up with the snobs that police brought into the area. They moved to a different place, taking Garnet with them. A few weeks after moving into the new place, Garnet had finally gotten over his sulking, and decided to try repent for his crimes through others. He would be a good friend, only bully the bad. He'd be a good bully.

The charmander eventually came across a piplup that acted eerily similar to how some of his old friends acted, except towards her parents. Curious, he questioned her as to why she was acting like this. The piplup began bawling and unleashed all of her problems onto him. Her parents were no-good cops, disobeying them was the only way for her to get any friends around here, and she felt absolutely awful for it.

The charmander decided to declare that he would be friends with the piplup even though the parents were horrible cops that had lost their jobs. The piplup was thrilled, and the two began a friendship together. They played like normal kids, acted normal, and Garnet told her nothing of the Happiny he had "killed", she didn't need to know that. It would just be a secret forever locked away, with a lock the size of a wailord on it.

Not long after that, they had discovered a snivy unconscious on the ground while going out for a walk together in the snow, beaten pretty badly and seemingly been stuck in the cold for who knows how long! He and the Piplup carried the snivy to the nearest home, which luckily had been its own. He was nursed into consciousness, but it seemed that all that time out in the cold had gotten him very ill, so he was not awake for long.

They came back and visited the snivy and his mothers, concerned for the life they had saved and curious as to what had happened. While there, they had learned that the Snivy's name was Jade. The two were led to believe that Jade was female as well, since his mothers would always use feminine pronouns, though they did not realize that this was merely out of habit seeing as most of the family was female and Jade did not care what he was called.

Once the snivy had recovered enough to be awake, they began to talk while he still was bedridden, until finally he was all better and able to go out and play with the new friend. Garnet made sure to take special care of the snivy, considering he had almost died, and viewed him as the weaker one of his two friends, seeing as he had gotten so ill so easily. The piplup's attitude around him began to change slightly, a bit more demanding of attention, but he decided that it was probably nothing.

A few years later, the snivy had proposed that they leave and go on some adventures. Garnet was thrilled to hang out with his friends, the event of the happiny long behind him. However, he did not bother asking for his parents' permission, seeing as they had become so bad at their job of parenting they had forgotten that he even still slept in their house. However the snivy's parents were a bit more concerned about their "Daughter", and forced the piplup and Garnet to take an oath that they would not let anything happen to Jade. The two accepted the terms, and went on their way.

However, a rather large...obstacle, Came in their way. That obstacle? A hurricane. They had been staying at an inn of some town and were blocked in by a large storm that started out normal at first, only it grew worse and worse until it was a full blown hurricane. The snivy was ripped away from them by the winds, and Garnet had fallen into the water in attempt to save the Snivy, he was quickly whisked away by the currents, unable to fight back against them as he struggled just to get to the surface of the water.

A hard force suddenly struck his side, and he found himself clinging to the dorsal fin of a sharpedo. Was he being thrown around for a snack in the middle of a hurricane!? Really!?

Luckily, the harsh smack was an accident, as Garnet learned that the sharpedo was attempting to save him, but kind of lacked the arms to do it properly. He thanked the sharpedo once he was taken to safety, and his search immediately began for his friends. He would find them, keep his promise to Jaden's mothers and his own desires. He was not sure if they were alive still, but if they were then he would find them. If not, then he wished that something would at least not eat their carcass so he wouldn't be forever looking for someone who was eaten.

His search was fruitless, and he eventually continued onward until he reached a strange place known as Grima Outpost, it was filthy and filled with shady characters, but here is where he would need to rest. Traveling for who knows how long straight after fighting to live in a hurricane isn't exactly an easy feat.

» Other: Friends with Namataki Shamshir and Jade Lacroix(thinks he is female)

Last edited by BlueKat12 on Sat Jan 23, 2016 9:34 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Garnet the Charmander Empty
PostSubject: Re: Garnet the Charmander   Garnet the Charmander EmptyThu Apr 09, 2015 3:27 am

Garnet the Charmander FJbbUvb

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