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 Anger, Annoyance, Arboreum

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Anger, Annoyance, Arboreum Empty
PostSubject: Anger, Annoyance, Arboreum   Anger, Annoyance, Arboreum EmptySun Feb 01, 2015 8:52 pm

If he wouldn't be sure that it would attract even more enemies, William would have screamed to the heavens.
Yet another time did he have to visit this place of which he had hoped never to have to see it again.
How much more annoying could this shrine possibly get? But there was no doubt that the riddle on it was referring to the leaves they had already discovered in this area. And that meant that he would just have to keep on searching for more of these annoying things. Couldn't he just go buy a pot of paint and colour some of the leaves? No, for some reason these mystical things always could tell the difference. How did they build them to do that anyway and why didn't that technology survive into the modern age?

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Anger, Annoyance, Arboreum Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anger, Annoyance, Arboreum   Anger, Annoyance, Arboreum EmptySun Feb 01, 2015 9:04 pm

Another ghost entered the leafy dungeon. Admittedly, the bright colors were obnoxious, as she was used to the grays of a mountain's peak, and calming darkness. The bright fiery colors reflected light and hurt Treavus's eyes quite a bit, but surely it would be worth it if she were able to find ingredients for the potions. Surely such a tree-covered island would have several kinds of natural ingredients the alchemist could use to create a variety of concoctions that would benefit other Pokemon, as well as herself. Although she didn't form the shop yet, it's best to collect ahead of time so she can prepare. This would also give her an opportunity to level up, so win-win.

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Anger, Annoyance, Arboreum Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anger, Annoyance, Arboreum   Anger, Annoyance, Arboreum EmptySun Feb 01, 2015 9:17 pm

William's eyes were already used to the painfully bright colours of the Fallen Leaf Copse, even though he still was wondering how other Pokémon could voluntarily choose to live here.
Maybe this was one of the disadvantages of night vision - a high vulnerability against light.
If so, then it would take him quite a long time to get his vision back to the level it once was again when he would get out of here. But that was nothing to be concerned about now. Right now all he had to look for was this one leaf that was still missing for his next attempt at solving this accursed shrine's riddle. Why was there a riddle in the first place anyway?
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Anger, Annoyance, Arboreum Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anger, Annoyance, Arboreum   Anger, Annoyance, Arboreum EmptySun Feb 01, 2015 9:27 pm

Miss T hovered through everything without a care: trees, rocks, anything that was in her way. She scanned the ground below her for any useful leaves or roots, perhaps a berry that may have fallen from one of the obnoxious trees. Unfortunately, the ground, too, was covered with the bright oranges. At least most were slightly browned from age.

The Misdreavus would've flied into the Gengar ahead if she hadn't looked up, and fortunately she did. She was glad to have encountered a ghost-type, but if the fully-evolved Pokemon dared attack her, she would be forced to defend herself--which probably wouldn't go well.

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Anger, Annoyance, Arboreum Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anger, Annoyance, Arboreum   Anger, Annoyance, Arboreum EmptySun Feb 01, 2015 9:34 pm

William on the other hand was so absorbed in looking for the leaves that he did not even notice the other Ghost type towards whom his back was turned. If the Misdreavus would have the inention to do so, then she could easily have blasted him right in the back with little to no chance of William even being able to avoid the attack.
All the Gengar's mind was on were the oddly coloured leaves that could occassionally be found in the area. He was determined not to let a few plants torment him that much. Not him as a Poison type.
Even if that meant hours upon hours of searching. Even though it meant hours and hours of searching.

Savato carried out 5 launched of one Fallen Leaf Copse :
Anger, Annoyance, Arboreum 7R7f359 , Anger, Annoyance, Arboreum N0xFnHW , Anger, Annoyance, Arboreum CVUdPw8 , Anger, Annoyance, Arboreum 6E2KJwk , Anger, Annoyance, Arboreum 5cNwMM5
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Anger, Annoyance, Arboreum Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anger, Annoyance, Arboreum   Anger, Annoyance, Arboreum EmptySun Feb 01, 2015 9:43 pm

Seeing that the other ghost wasn't noticing her, she assumed everything was alright, and continued around him to keep searching. Nothing stood out too much, but she wasn't paying too much attention to what was in front of her, and could easily get mauled by a Pokemon. The trees and obstacles didn't matter, since she could simply fly right through such things.

A Pokemon's battle cry, however, averted her eyes from the earth, and forced her to look up, squinting ahead to try and see what could be there. She prepared a Psybeam in case anything would jump out at her that she would have to battle. Hopefully it was just nothing, and a Pokemon crying out in pain nearby. Miss T had scarcely battled, since she lived a in a town all her life. As good as getting experience was, she didn't want anything getting in her way.


aMEWzing carried out 5 launched of one Fallen Leaf Copse :
Anger, Annoyance, Arboreum ZD8Bv3l , Anger, Annoyance, Arboreum Cg1bFr4 , Anger, Annoyance, Arboreum Seh7LU4 , Anger, Annoyance, Arboreum N0xFnHW , Anger, Annoyance, Arboreum Seh7LU4
If this roll kills me, would I have to give up any possible items I find?
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Anger, Annoyance, Arboreum Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anger, Annoyance, Arboreum   Anger, Annoyance, Arboreum EmptySun Feb 01, 2015 9:48 pm

As William was digging through yet another pile of leaves the wind had blown together, he apparently had disturbed some Pokémon's hideout, considering how the Sentret came jumping out of the pile and right at the intruder. Luckily for William his Ghost type caused the Normal-typed foe to simply pass right through him. Unluckily for him however the noise of battle seemed to have attracted further Pokémon. And yet again it was up to him to do battle. At least all of the foes seemed to be of types William had substantial resistances against. Only the Beautifly's Flying type could be a serious threat, so the Poison type decided to take care of this foe first.
Quickly a Shadow Ball was summoned forth and launched at the Pokémon that somehow managed to be even more annoyingly bright than the forest itself.

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Anger, Annoyance, Arboreum Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anger, Annoyance, Arboreum   Anger, Annoyance, Arboreum EmptySun Feb 01, 2015 10:01 pm

Genevieve turned around as she heard the screeches and sounds of battling once more. To her surprise, the Gengar was fighting off a Sentret and a Beautifly--both at once. She feared that if she got herself involved, he would get mad at her. After all, this wasn't her battle. The Misdreavus, however, was forced to think fast as the Sentret began to use Sucker Punch, which would be bad for her fellow ghost. She used Psybeam on the slashing Pokemon to knock it back and away. Content with her hit, she turned back around to continue her search, but a Sawsbuck was charging straight towards her, and easily landed a Feint Attack. The super-effectiveness was too much to handle, so Misdreavus dropped to the ground. What was with these wild Pokemon's knowledge of super effectiveness? Miss T doubted they could read.

E=0 (yayyy... Can I eat my Gummi?)
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Anger, Annoyance, Arboreum Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anger, Annoyance, Arboreum   Anger, Annoyance, Arboreum EmptySun Feb 01, 2015 10:05 pm

William in turn did not even notice the Sentret trying to attack him, only being made aware of the other Pokémon's presence as a Misdreavus was sent flying into his field of vision. Turning around he was greeted with the rather unpleasant sight of one angry Sawsbuck staring right at him.
A sigh escaped the Gengar. This was going to be one long exploration - that much was sure already.
Charging up a Focus Blast, he then directed it at the Grass/Normal type. Why were these Pokémon only ever attacking explorers and never each other anyway? What was so special about explorers that feral Pokémon could not only tell the difference but actually team up against them? William simply chalked it up to the universe hating him.

(I think so)
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Anger, Annoyance, Arboreum Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anger, Annoyance, Arboreum   Anger, Annoyance, Arboreum EmptySun Feb 01, 2015 10:13 pm

With what energy she had left, the Misdreavus took the Orange Gummi she found and popped it into her mouth. With the measly amount of energy it gave her, she began levitating again, being sure to be more careful this time to avoid other's moves. She was able to see the deer Pokemon that attacked her being launched away by a Focus Blast. Able to use moves again, she sunk into the ground and burst out in front of the Sentret to finish it off. Shadow Sneak would be a very useful move in these instances, so hopefully it would be enough to finish the others.
Seeing the Sawsbuck stagger back onto its hooves, Miss T timed a Spite, causing the deer to skid to a halt, confused as to why it's ability to use the move suddenly ceased. With an open chance, she used Psybeam once more at the close target.

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Anger, Annoyance, Arboreum Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anger, Annoyance, Arboreum   Anger, Annoyance, Arboreum EmptyMon Feb 02, 2015 7:30 pm

Seeing the Psybeam fly through the air, William carefully kept some distance, knowing that a move of this type could mess him up badly if it hit him by accident...or intentionally.
Thus the Poison type made the choice to stay away from this battle for now, instead focussing his attention on the Deerling. The little Pokémon made some vines grow from its back to strike the Gengar with, but luckily for the Ghost type his resistance reduced the damage significantly, allowing for him to charge towards his target, delivering another Focus Blast attack.
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Anger, Annoyance, Arboreum Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anger, Annoyance, Arboreum   Anger, Annoyance, Arboreum EmptyMon Feb 02, 2015 10:10 pm

Miss Treavus hovered low, exhausted from the unexpected battling. She had no idea how strong the Pokemon in such a dungeon could be. From what she learned, it was fairly new since it had only just been discovered. Not much was written about it, except some notes on a myth about treasure located at a shrine in the center of the island. Now that she got to experience the dungeon rather than reading about it, she knew a little more than she would from reading words on a page. Even so, she'd much prefer to stay inside and read than meet a near-fainting situation.

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Anger, Annoyance, Arboreum Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anger, Annoyance, Arboreum   Anger, Annoyance, Arboreum EmptyMon Feb 02, 2015 10:16 pm

William had had much more experience concerning dungeons but even he had to admit that this place was positively swarming with Pokémon. There weren't many times at which William had ever encountered so many Pokémon in one place before. It was rather surprising actually that he had never been defeated this far. Then again he had had more than enough time to train for situations like these and his abilities granted to him by his ghostly nature made avoiding combat much easier than it would be for other types. Still each new battle was annoying and exhausting, making the Gengar wish for it to have been avoided.
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Anger, Annoyance, Arboreum Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anger, Annoyance, Arboreum   Anger, Annoyance, Arboreum EmptyTue Feb 03, 2015 2:36 pm

Gina hovered, looking at the Gengar as if to say Friend or foe? Hopefully he didn't fail to understand, and wouldn't attack her. Surely he saw her attempts to defend him. Even if he didn't, would he be right out of his mind to attack another ghost? Miss T had never seen feral ghost-types live in such a place, so seeing another must be a sure sign that each of the two floating in the wooded island were both civilized. Judging by how the other attacked, as well, he would notice Treavus would not attack him, therefore he wouldn't have to. If he only spoke, Genevieve could attach to his attitude type and become more understandable to him.

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Anger, Annoyance, Arboreum Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anger, Annoyance, Arboreum   Anger, Annoyance, Arboreum EmptyTue Feb 03, 2015 7:57 pm

William meanwhile found the Misdreavus just floating in place, staring at him.
What was she trying to do? If this was an attempt at using Mean Look, then it wasn't working. Not that the Gengar's typing wouldn't have made him immune against such a thing anyway.
"Uh, what is it you are trying to do here?" he finally asked, finding himself unable to discern the intention behind the other Ghost type's stare. After all he had spent years away from any civilisation, so it was only to be expected for him to not be the most proficient in reading the emotions and intentions of other Pokémon.
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Anger, Annoyance, Arboreum Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anger, Annoyance, Arboreum   Anger, Annoyance, Arboreum Empty

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