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 The End as We Knew it: 20XX

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Moderator and Dark Ducklett Priestess

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The End as We Knew it: 20XX Empty
PostSubject: The End as We Knew it: 20XX   The End as We Knew it: 20XX EmptyMon Jan 05, 2015 4:54 am

Almost an entire month had passed since the nukes hit. One nuke for every well-known city; meaning the majority of the state capitols had been obliterated by warfare. Many nations had bombed America, and America had bombed them right back.

It was the end. The end of the world, just as people had feared. The year had been dubbed year 20XX, the x marking the beginning of the end. All of the hostilities and foul politics in the world had come to a point that very January, and things had only continued to get worse. It all ended in the launching of nukes.

It was now May, and in states all across the Nation people were working on getting back on their feet. But people seem to be acting strangely...

Such is the case in Flagstaff, Arizona; a city located far enough away from the blast that consumed Pheonix to avoid being damaged by it. Here, some survivors from the areas surrounding the blast are being sheltered and supported by the natives. Those survivors seem to be acting the most strangely, however...

One skeptical resident of Flagstaff has been keeping herself busy at the abandoned KZGL 103.7 Radio Station located within the abandoned Flagstaff Mall. Vera Thorne, a rock music enthusiast with a messy, light-blonde pixie cut, wandered the empty station and fiddled with some of the equipment there, equipment she had been furiously protecting from the occasional scavenger coming to pick at the bones of a once active commerce epicenter.

With a sigh, Vera exited the station and slid her hands into the pockets of her ripped skinny jeans (the first thing she had seen in her closet upon opening it; accompanied by a plain white sleeveless turtleneck). She would be back later to continue her work later, but right now she was in desperate need of a walk.

Vera very casually made the trek to the garden store she liked to reflect on her day in. She took in the refreshing of the silence of the place; it was nice to be rid of the turmoil outside for a while. Her short brown boots made quiet sounds against the floor as she walked.

Finally, she reached the store. It had been one of the few stores to be locked before the mall was abandoned, but Vera had ways around that. She fumbled around in her pocket for the copy of the store's key she had made long ago.
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Join date : 2013-04-17

The End as We Knew it: 20XX Empty
PostSubject: Re: The End as We Knew it: 20XX   The End as We Knew it: 20XX EmptyMon Jan 05, 2015 7:49 am

The plants grow, though no one has asked them to.

The Sun and Moon move through heaven.

This is the gateless gate, through which a thousand roads enter.

- - -

Awakened by the morning light, the man rose from his mat. Yawning, he checked through his food stores, taking a small bit of bread and eating it. He had none left. Today he might find some more.

The man dressed in a tattered shirt and pants. He fitted a grey cloak over his shoulders and placed a wide brimmed hat over his head. On his feet he slipped on simple leather sandals. He fastened his belt under his cloak and slung a simple sheath. He then took up a walking stick, rolled up his sleeping mat, and departed from the place he had rested under a bridge.

Today the sun was warm. As the man walked along the road, a bead of sweat rolled down his face. The tar beneath him baked in the sun. He made no complaint.

As he walked on the man grew tired. He took a sip of water from the small canteen that dangled from his neck. Soon, he happened upon what had once been a shopping complex. The letters read, "The Flagstaff Mall and Marketplace." Perhaps he could find a bit to eat here.

Entering the building's shade, the sound of his footsteps echoed through the space. He stopped and appreciated the sound. He then took to the task of looking through the mall for food. He went about his work quickly and quietly, checking through each store for anything of use. When he found something, he stored it away in the bed roll upon his back.

Tilting back the hat upon his head, he wiped the sweat from his brow and heaved a great sigh. He had worn himself out. Deciding a nap was in order, he traced through the mall, looking for a suitable place to lay his head.

In his search, he came along something he did not expect to find: another person. A woman with short blonde hair.

Making his way towards the woman, he spoke in a lightly accented voice that was soft and gentle, "Lovely day, wouldn't you say?"
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Moderator and Dark Ducklett Priestess

Posts : 1903
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Join date : 2012-07-29
Location : Location, Location.

The End as We Knew it: 20XX Empty
PostSubject: Re: The End as We Knew it: 20XX   The End as We Knew it: 20XX EmptyMon Feb 02, 2015 3:47 am

Vera jumped a little in surprise at the sound of someone appearing right behind her, that someone being another seemingly homeless guy that had wandered into the mall. Probably another scavenger, come to pick the place clean. As long as he wasn't touching the stuff in the radio station, she had no problems with him being there.

"Hey," she replied simply. "Yeah, it's pretty nice, for a day in a post-nuclear crisis. It's not exactly a great situation, but it's a nice day." She continued fiddling with the lock to the garden shop, not really making much eye contact, but still being attentive so not to completely blow the guy off. He was awful friendly, for a scavenger. It'd be worth the company to humor him, even if he was probably just trying to use her to get into the other stores. "If you're looking for leftover junk, this place has been picked pretty clean. A lot of people have been in and out of this place, taking what they can," she stated outright. "And don't try to get into the radio station. I've got it rigged."

As she spoke, she finally finished fiddling with the lock. "Ah, there we go," she sighed, pushing the door open.
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Posts : 441
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Join date : 2013-04-17

The End as We Knew it: 20XX Empty
PostSubject: Re: The End as We Knew it: 20XX   The End as We Knew it: 20XX EmptyThu Feb 05, 2015 2:43 am

He smiled. The girl seemed friendly. She had a good manner about her and humor. One could never underestimate the value of humor.

Warned him that the mall had been cleaned out already. He laughed.

"Oh no. I'm not looking for anything in particular. I am just passing through. Though thank you for the tip about the radio station. It would have been unfortunate if I were to have stumbled into it. I'll be sure to keep away."

He smiled.

"And what is it you are doing here?"
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