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 An Outlaw's Shenanigans, an Explorer's Horror

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Lord E V
Lord of the Eevees
Lord E V

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An Outlaw's Shenanigans, an Explorer's Horror  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: An Outlaw's Shenanigans, an Explorer's Horror    An Outlaw's Shenanigans, an Explorer's Horror  - Page 2 EmptyTue Sep 30, 2014 1:49 am

First topic message reminder :

(Energy - 5)

The Icy Lands were just as cold as Sova remembered them. Actually, it was colder since this time he was much farther in, nearing Mt. Frostmeer. Luckily, the snow wasn't obstructing vision, or he might have gotten lost trying to find it. Why was he even here? He thought about turning around, but the idea was quickly discarded as he was reminded of a voice echoing through his head.

His recent hallucinations brought on by the peak of Black Mist Mountain hadn't lasted with him for more than one day, yet he was still hearing the voice in his head, insulting him, calling him weak. Not because of any drug, but just because he couldn't forget it. The only thing he felt would ease his mind of the voice was to prove it wrong. What better way than risking death to climb a mountain for no sensible reason?

Even though he felt exhausted already just getting there, he didn't let up even for a break. He had to prove to himself that he wasn't weak. Though....proving something that isn't actually true in the first place usually isn't easy.
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An Outlaw's Shenanigans, an Explorer's Horror  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: An Outlaw's Shenanigans, an Explorer's Horror    An Outlaw's Shenanigans, an Explorer's Horror  - Page 2 EmptyTue Oct 14, 2014 4:28 am

Mirage found herself suddenly being shoved out of the way of the attack. She rolled in the snow and looked to see the Eevee being attacked by the piloswine. She didn't quite take a liking to her act being ruined, she snarled at the Piloswine, before a strange sphere began to form in her slowly parting jaws. She could feel her negative feelings pouring into the sphere and empowering it, before she barked at the piloswine and the sphere shot forth towards the piloswine, powering towards it like a larger version of a bullet, though likely nowhere near as much damage causing to the Piloswine.
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Lord E V
Lord of the Eevees
Lord E V

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An Outlaw's Shenanigans, an Explorer's Horror  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: An Outlaw's Shenanigans, an Explorer's Horror    An Outlaw's Shenanigans, an Explorer's Horror  - Page 2 EmptyTue Oct 14, 2014 5:43 am

Being able to avoidthe dangerous points of the tusks, Sova was able to get back to his feet quickly. Just in time to see the zorua fearlessly attacking the piloswine.... He wanted to help attack, but he found himself instead standing still, thinking about something worrisome. The zorua was scared of a little eevee who obviously meant no harm, but not a giant piloswine that was already attacking them? That made absolutely no sense to him. Then he remembered the oddities from earlier. Was the zorua lying? The second he considered that, he was snapped back into reality by the Shadow Ball making contact and the piloswine stumbling back.

For now the enemy was the main concern and even though his trust in this zorua had just faded, she was at least helping him for the moment. He darted towards the piloswine with Quick Attack, brushing by one of its legs, knocking it off balance slightly. Then he turned and repeated the same attack, bumping another leg. Again and again, he ran by the enemy's legs, chipping away at its balance. With his fast speed, it couldn't keep track of him to counterattack, though he wondered how long that would last. The enemy began to stumble a bit, but not fall. He probably couldn't knock the enemy out on his own like that. Hopefully the zorua would understand to knock the piloswine down while he was distracting it and knocking it off balance.
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An Outlaw's Shenanigans, an Explorer's Horror  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: An Outlaw's Shenanigans, an Explorer's Horror    An Outlaw's Shenanigans, an Explorer's Horror  - Page 2 EmptyTue Oct 14, 2014 10:11 pm

The zorua, unfortunately, had not been paying attention to the eevee nor its intentions. She was used to doing her own thing, teamwork was not in her agenda most of the time. She instead backed off, wary of an attack from the piloswine as it regained balance. It gave a loud snort of anger before pushing its front legs off the ground a bit before pounding back onto the ground with an insane amount of force. Everything was silent for a moment, before the ground began to rumble and a crack spread from its foot, it formed slowly at first, going quickly one way and pausing before going the other way. It suddenly began to move faster as it grew bigger, a large fissure opening up before the Piloswine, as the fissure headed towards the Eevee that had knocked him off balance.
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Lord E V
Lord of the Eevees
Lord E V

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An Outlaw's Shenanigans, an Explorer's Horror  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: An Outlaw's Shenanigans, an Explorer's Horror    An Outlaw's Shenanigans, an Explorer's Horror  - Page 2 EmptyWed Oct 15, 2014 4:38 am

To his dismay, Sova's "ally" had decided to back off instead of helping him beat the enemy quickly. Even worse, it had used an attack that ensured he would not be attacking it himself for the moment. It had created a fissure that was heading straight for him, what fun. With his Quick Attack, it was fairly easy to avoid the fissure....at first. Then it split apart, rips in the ground surging around him. He still managed to avoid falling in, but when it finally stopped, there was a large area of decimated ground between himself and the piloswine....and the zorua. He would be no help for a while as he carefully attempted to escape the trap he had been caught in.

Hopefully this zorua would be able to manage on her own for a short time. Of course she would, she clearly knew how to fight.
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An Outlaw's Shenanigans, an Explorer's Horror  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: An Outlaw's Shenanigans, an Explorer's Horror    An Outlaw's Shenanigans, an Explorer's Horror  - Page 2 EmptyTue Oct 21, 2014 12:09 am

"Aaaw, shit," the zorua's ears flattened as she gained an irritated facial expression, the eevee becoming too far to see her face from the other side of the fissure. She was brought back to attention when the piloswine came charging towards her once more. She snarled and jumped at the mammoth like pokemon before latching onto its back. The piloswine flailed about for a bit, trying to be released from the jaws of the Zorua. She was finally flung off, and luckily away from the giant fissure in the ground. She failed to catch herself on the ground and miserably tumbled across rocks.
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Lord E V
Lord of the Eevees
Lord E V

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An Outlaw's Shenanigans, an Explorer's Horror  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: An Outlaw's Shenanigans, an Explorer's Horror    An Outlaw's Shenanigans, an Explorer's Horror  - Page 2 EmptyTue Oct 21, 2014 1:53 am

Sova stepped carefully around and over the cracks in the ground, being careful not to fall in.  As much as he wanted to rush and help, rushing would simply be too risky.  Besides....the zorua seemed to be able to handle her self.  For someone so cowardly towards a little eevee, she certainly didn't hesitate in fighting a piloswine.

Sadly, it seemed the eevee would have to take a risk in moving faster.  His companion seemed to be having difficulties with the enemy.  Seeing the fox attack so recklessly with no clear plan in mind made him think he would have to be the strategist.  But he couldn't do that very well from his current position, so he'd have to pick up the pace and risk falling.

"Hey!  You alright!?  Don't attack it head on like that, it's a lot stronger than you!  Use its size and your size to your advantage....move quick and go for the legs!"  He hollered to the zorua, hoping being straightforward and yelling out his strategy would get it through to her, since clearly trying to demonstrate it earlier had done no good.  He would have liked to talk more quietly, but he was going to need a bit of time to get out of the situation he was in and into whispering range.
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An Outlaw's Shenanigans, an Explorer's Horror  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: An Outlaw's Shenanigans, an Explorer's Horror    An Outlaw's Shenanigans, an Explorer's Horror  - Page 2 EmptyTue Oct 21, 2014 3:22 pm

"legs? What legs?!" The zorua reponded. She looked to the piloswine, the furry pokemon being covered from head to toe with its how coat to protect itself from the cold. The legs of the creature were barely able to even be seen let alone attacked. The piloswine shook itself before charging forward, its rather stumpy legs carrying its massive body as fast as it could towards the fox once more.
(Posted from phone)
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Lord E V
Lord of the Eevees
Lord E V

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An Outlaw's Shenanigans, an Explorer's Horror  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: An Outlaw's Shenanigans, an Explorer's Horror    An Outlaw's Shenanigans, an Explorer's Horror  - Page 2 EmptyTue Oct 21, 2014 5:00 pm

Sova sighed. "Just because it's furry doesn't mean it has no legs! It'll do more than just trying to jump on it, at least...." He continued making his way across the field of cracks, picking up his pace a bit. "If you've got a better idea, then by all means!" He said, sounding a bit hesitant. The zorua was right, it was difficult to target the legs on this enemy; he had tried and failed after all. All he could do was knock it off balance. But what better way of going about the battle was there? He didn't really know what moves the zorua knew, only that the piloswine was much bigger than both of them and fighting recklessly would be very dangerous.

Wanting to do something sooner rather than later, the eevee's body began glowing a faint white as star-shaped projectiles appeared around him and flew towards the piloswine. He wasn't hoping to do much damage, just to stall it to help his ally avoid it.
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An Outlaw's Shenanigans, an Explorer's Horror  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: An Outlaw's Shenanigans, an Explorer's Horror    An Outlaw's Shenanigans, an Explorer's Horror  - Page 2 EmptySat Oct 25, 2014 12:58 am

The piloswine was struck with the attack, it gave a cry as it was knocked onto two legs, threatening to topple onto its side. It struggled for balance, while Mirage swiftly developed a plan. She darted to the side the Piloswine was leaning towards, and ran with full speed, using a normal tackle to push him the other way with all she could. The piloswine snuffled in fear as it was shoved the other direction, towards the fissure. Mirage struck it once more, before the piloswine seemed to disappear over the edge and into the fissure.
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Lord E V
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Lord E V

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An Outlaw's Shenanigans, an Explorer's Horror  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: An Outlaw's Shenanigans, an Explorer's Horror    An Outlaw's Shenanigans, an Explorer's Horror  - Page 2 EmptySat Oct 25, 2014 3:31 am

As the enemy disappeared into the fissure, defeated by its own attack in the end, Sova made his way out of the danger zone he'd been put in. He took his time approaching the zorua, trying to give himself time to consider what to say. Something wasn't right. Actually, a lot of things weren't right. Things he planned to set right. Only he didn't know what to say. What would be the best way to go about it? If he was too aggressive, he'd probably end up in a fight with the fox. If he tried to be nice about it, the zorua probably wouldn't take him seriously enough to tell the truth. And if he was accusing her of being a liar, what would he accuse her of lying about? There were a few things to choose from, none of which he could be sure were lies.

"Who are you?" He asked as he approached the zorua. She obviously wasn't who she had painted her self to be, this, he could be sure he was right about. Hopefully there wouldn't be any more lying.
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An Outlaw's Shenanigans, an Explorer's Horror  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: An Outlaw's Shenanigans, an Explorer's Horror    An Outlaw's Shenanigans, an Explorer's Horror  - Page 2 EmptySun Oct 26, 2014 8:59 pm

"I'm a zorua.." Mirage spoke, her act being put on guard once more. She tilted her head in confusion, wondering why the Eevee was asking this again.
"Are you okay?" she suddenly spoke, "Did you hit your head and die?" her eyes grew wide, trying to give off some kind of evidence of innocence and stupidity. She didn't quite like how the Eevee was acting now, it was different, not normal. Had he found her out? That certainly would become a problem, but then again she could probably just beat him into a bloody pulp, search his bag, and take his things. Maybe even his bag all together!
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Lord E V
Lord of the Eevees
Lord E V

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An Outlaw's Shenanigans, an Explorer's Horror  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: An Outlaw's Shenanigans, an Explorer's Horror    An Outlaw's Shenanigans, an Explorer's Horror  - Page 2 EmptySun Oct 26, 2014 11:24 pm

Sova glared at the zorua. "And I'm an eevee. We've both made our species clear already." He paused to carefully consider what to say next. It seemed he would have to be more outward with his accusations and show some evidence if he wanted to stop the zorua from lying. "Earlier, you were scared to death of me for no reason. At least that's how it seemed. Yet I'm smaller and probably weaker than you. Then you face a mamoswine easily five times bigger than you and obviously much stronger than you without even the slightest hesitation. Obviously, you only pretended to be scared of me....So what else are you lying about? Do you have a name?"

He wanted to point out even more inconsistencies, but he didn't have much evidence to support any other possible lies. For now he'd have to limit how much he pressured her anyways. Someone with a reason to lie about their self could very well have a good reason for doing so. Like being an outlaw. If he were to pressure an outlaw too much, he could easily end up in a dangerous fight.
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An Outlaw's Shenanigans, an Explorer's Horror  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: An Outlaw's Shenanigans, an Explorer's Horror    An Outlaw's Shenanigans, an Explorer's Horror  - Page 2 EmptySun Oct 26, 2014 11:36 pm

"I-I just wanted to help you..." the zorua's eyes began watering up, as if she were upset that the eevee thought she was lying. Mirage was using her Fake Tears move to conjure this appearance, giving it a realistic effect that it might have lacked if used alone. The vixen sniffled and used her paw to wipe her tears from her eyes. She spoke again, "I told you before, I don't have a name!"
'Maybe I can still pull this off...' she hoped, thinking that the eevee might get flustered about her crying and feel bad. It seemed to be one of those moral and kind pokemon, he might fall for it.

[energy: 1]

Last edited by BlueKat12 on Mon Oct 27, 2014 12:24 am; edited 1 time in total
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Lord E V
Lord of the Eevees
Lord E V

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An Outlaw's Shenanigans, an Explorer's Horror  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: An Outlaw's Shenanigans, an Explorer's Horror    An Outlaw's Shenanigans, an Explorer's Horror  - Page 2 EmptyMon Oct 27, 2014 12:14 am

Sova hesitated. He was really going to hate himself after this if he was wrong, but there was too much evidence against this fox to let it slide without a reasonable explanation. "You wanted to help? That doesn't explain why you were afraid of an eevee and not a mamoswine. If you're telling the truth, you should have no problem giving an explanation." He'd probably have to bring up more points if he wanted to win, but if he turned out to be wrong....well, perhaps enslaving himself to the zorua would be an appropriate punishment.

"You claim to have no name. I've never heard of anyone without a name. You claim your supposed mother loves you, yet wouldn't give you the individuality of a name. At that, this loving mother ran off up this mountain and left you alone. I don't buy it." He took a breath before he continued. "All due apologies will be given if I'm proven wrong, but....I think you've got something to hide. Either you're an outlaw or you don't trust anyone. Which is it? Unless, that is, you have some way to prove me wrong." He continued. This was about all the evidence he had and he was starting to feel like he could very well be wrong. If he was right, he had to get the fox to admit to it soon or guilt would make it very difficult to keep up the pressure.
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An Outlaw's Shenanigans, an Explorer's Horror  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: An Outlaw's Shenanigans, an Explorer's Horror    An Outlaw's Shenanigans, an Explorer's Horror  - Page 2 EmptyMon Oct 27, 2014 12:23 am

Mirage's eyes watered even more, obviously the crying was beginning to grow worse as the vixen was accused of lying, though she was. She quickly turned, and began to run from the eevee, bawling, "I just wanted to help yooou" she bawled as she ran. She didn't get too far though before she "tripped" on something underneath the snow and falling flat on her face, aiming to make the Eevee believe that she hurt her feelings even more. She placed her paws over her eyes and continued to "cry" in the snow a few feet away from the eevee.

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