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 Yo Ho!

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Yo Ho! Empty
PostSubject: Yo Ho!   Yo Ho! EmptyThu Jul 10, 2014 4:08 am

The coastal city of Stormbrooke was aghast with rumors swirling around that Captain Lucius Bartleby was recruiting a new crew, and that he was setting sail to find Eden. Sure it was just a mere fairy tale, a legend passed down by piracy and deceit. But just hearing the legend made even the purest grow greedy. 

A lost island, a gateway to Eden, and a land beyond it that will fulfill every desire... 

Lucius awaited at the docks. After his last voyage to find Eden ended in the loss of his entire crew, he wasn't sure he was prepared to sail again. But he was determined to get to Eden. The map he had had to have been real. If it wasn't why did other swashbucklers drool at the sight of it? Bah, he shouldn't be doubting his wits now. He had gotten so far before and then was sent right back to the start. He had to find Eden. Not only for himself, but for him as well...

During his last voyage, he and a few other marauders departed for Pakkare, the lost island containing the gateway to Eden. Along the way, Lucius had taken quite a shine to his first mate, Edwin. They had an instant connection, and soon they started a secret intimate relationship. But as they approached a storm, all of Lucius' crew were swept away, including Edwin. Lucius had washed up on the shore of Stormbrooke, and hasn't seen Edwin since.

His new ship, the Nightingale, was prepared, ready for sailing. Lucius had spread the word around town, had anyone heard it? Would anyone actually arrive at the docks? He was sure that a large amount of people would, if the word spread. He only had room for a select few on his ship, and he would be the sole decider of who got a chance to join him.

Anyone? Anyone at all?

And then it began. Hordes of people rushed into the harbor, most dressed as if they were going to a sermon. It was pathetic, these people weren't pirates! They wouldn't last. But among the crowd, Lucius saw them. 

The perfect crew.
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Yo Ho! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yo Ho!   Yo Ho! EmptyThu Jul 10, 2014 6:04 am

Clinks of glass, laughing men, giggling women, all was normal as can be in a busy pub. The bar was hosting a full house for drinks as men seemed to gather to spread rumors and flush their feelings away with a simple alcoholic beverage. This beverage often resulted in dimming of the senses and thought process, perfect for fooling some old drunks into making bets. Even the tipsy can have their pride be put on the line with ease.

"Oi," one of those drunken idiots sitting on a bar stool spoke, obviously a rambler that ranted about the world and how much it sucked, "Dija' hear 'bout that thing goin' on' t'day?" He had been speaking to the bartender as he served some glasses to some locals who had just arrived. He continued without waiting for an answer, "Some loony p'rat named Lucy or somethin' like that be lookin' for some suicidal mates to chase the heavens and that blasted legend of Eden!"

"Al, you're drunk," the bartender sighed while taking some empty cups and change from a counter.

"A man knows when he's drunk buddy, and I ain't even started!" the mans words were slurred and he seemed to teeter back and forth, obviously drunk.

"How about going home?" the employee suggested, "You're kind of irritating some customers..."

"I'll git home when I'm goo' an' redeh! I still got money in my poc'et, enough to buy meself a house! So quit yer yappin and shoot me 'nother one!" the man yelled.

Oh? Seemed like this man had a little more than spare change. Time for some fun.

"I have an idea," said a woman who was just one or two seats away from the drunk, "How about we let a gamble decide?"

"Eh?" the man looked to the woman, as if surprised that she had the audacity to speak to him.

"Aw come on Jacky move on to a different bar already, my customers are starting to not come back," the tender complained.

"Last one, I promise!" the girl smiled as if this were some funny joke as she slid closer to the man for negotiations.

"That's what you said last time..." the man huffed before going to clean some dishes, giving up out of frustration.

"Now whattaya sayin?" the man huffed.

"I'm saying, if I beat you in a game of darts, you hand me that sack of coins and head to whatever pathetic hole you live in!" Jacky spoke with a grin of confidence before adding on, "You're not afraid you'll lose to a girl now are you?"

Al gave a huff of disgust, "The hell i'm not!" he stood up, almost falling over upon standing. He made his way over to a colorful board with darts that looked as if a new one was needed, "C'mon, if I win, you shut yer' trap."

Jacky gave a smirk, and followed him to the game area. Nobody seemed to watch them, either not caring, already knowing who was going to win, too drunk to even realize what was going on, or not expecting an exciting game due to the fact one of the players was drunk beyond reasoning.

Their lack of interest seemed to be reasonable, as the woman seemed to destroy the man at the game. The drunk looked to his bag of coin that had been sitting on a nearby table, it was rather heavy, and he wasn't quite willing to let it go. He growled before reaching to his side, and pulling out a firearm. There was a few screams from the few woman in the bar, as the man pointed it at Jacky, but the lady was already out the door with the bag in tow.

The man chased after her, but it was as if lady luck were on Jacky's side, as a mob of people seemed to be rushing by. Jacky had begun to run with the mob, leaving the old man to swear and follow the crowd, his gun back in his holster as he chased after the mob, falling on his face several times before passing out on the street and losing Jacky.

Jacky would have laughed, if she had not found herself being swept along with the mob against her will, "Keep it moving!" some troll huffed, stomping along. She decided swiftly to just go with it until they stopped, and just get out when they were all stationary and not so grouchy.

It wasn't long before they reached a dock, everyone seemed to be observing a man, and shouting at him, hoping for something. Jacky found that she still couldn't leave the mass, although irritated, she wondered if this was the man the drunken loon was talking about. If he really was looking for ship-mates, then this would be a good chance to get off of this wooden wreck she had been trapped on for a while.

The woman wondered if this was some kind of opportunity, she would get to be a part of a pirate crew again, one that already had a bit of a name for itself it seemed. Surely they would have a bit of cash? Jacky thought for a moment before deciding to go with it, whether it was fate, a coincidence, or her just being sick of this hunk of junk dock, she might as well stay and see if she was able to go.
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Yo Ho! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yo Ho!   Yo Ho! EmptyThu Jul 10, 2014 4:23 pm

Trina was running through the backstreets to the docks where the ship and it's captain was said to be awaiting for a crew. Normally she wouldn't bat an eye about something like this. This time was different though...the voyage was supposed to be in search for an island that would grant a person's deepest desires.

This could be her chance to find love, and become human so she wasn't treated so horribly anymore.

She skidded to a stop at the end of the alley leading to the wide dock area, her heart sinking as she seen the large group of clamoring, smelly humans that all definitely seemed to want to go on this voyage to.

She had to find a way around them to see the captain, and get him to see her. Her eyes scanned the area, looking for some way around as her ears twitched from all the noise.

There, she seen a building that had a rope attatched that went across the clearing. It would lower when her weight was on it, so she could jump down safely when she was near the captain.

She ran along the edge of the crowd, ignoring the angry shouts at her when she bumped against somebody. She didn't care anymore, she needed this opportunity.

She climbed up the building, able to do so with ease due to her natural abilities of being a neko. It was once she reached the roof she took her time a little better, walking along the rope as it dipped down a bit the closer she got to the middle.

She could see the captain now, and he deffinitely looked like a charmer. It was hard to believe he could be the captain, but he stood facing the crowd and looked like what a captain should.

She took a moment to crouch on the rope while she was straight in line with him before jumping down, bending her knees and rolling when she landed to ease the shock of the fall, though she winced as it still hurt her slightly.

She stood and stepped back a little from him to give him room, though didn't move too far back due to the angry people yelling behind her.


Alucard stood in the front of the crowd, his arms around the waists of two women while he waited for the captain to make his choice. The man was attractive for a human, but Alucard felt he had the captain beat with appearances.

So far though the captain was just scanning the crowd, examining each individual for the perfect ones to be chosen. Alucard sighed, if this didn't hurry up he might just leave and forget about even joining the crew. Sure he wouldn't get his deepest desires filled...

but he'd still have any woman he wanted at any time.

The woman to his right, a brunette that had the looks to kill but not the least bit of brains to back it up, spoke to him with a whiny tone "How much longer do we have to be here Alu? And how do you even know I'll get onto the ship with you?"

The blonde to his right, a mean scrawny thing with a hateful voice to match snapped at the brunette, "You mean how do you know if WE will get onto the ship with Alu?"

Alucard sighs as the women squabbled over something so petty. This was going to draw unwanted attention. He smiles and speaks with his natural, charming tone "Ladies...sadly I have to remind you both that IF I am chosen, neither of you will be joining me. I simply wished the company of the two most lovely ladies on earth before I had to embark on such a dangerous mission."

He watched them calmly as they to calmed down, hugging him from both sides as the blonde spoke "Oh Alu..we are sorry! You're such a brave man to even think about doing something such as this. Won't you stay please?"

He only chuckles, "If I'm chosen I can't deary...but if I don't I promise you'll be first." He winks as the girls giggle though the brunette glared at the blonde secretly. A girl suddenly dropped down in front of them near the captain, his eyes darting to the girl to look her over.

This wasn't a normal human girl though, this was a neko. He smirked, finding it cute that a Neko girl had the idea of going on a voyage like this.

He hadn't charmed a Neko girl yet.
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Yo Ho! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yo Ho!   Yo Ho! EmptyFri Jul 11, 2014 2:03 am

Busy. That was the most fitting word to describe the harbor today.
And it was no surprise. The promises this captain made were enough to make anyone drool.
Almost at least. Some people just couldn't understand why one would risk their life for something as pathetic, as materialistic as money. Dr. Walker was one of those people.
For him money was simply a means to an end, a neccessary evil.
And yet he found himself amidst those very same people only looking to make some money.
He couldn't boast about having a different motive - he was in it for the money just as much as most everyone here, but at least his intentions were noble. In his opinion that is.
The fact was, that when his first wife had left him as death did them part, she took the ring with her.
Now for most relationships that would be nothing much to worry about.
But unlike most dead people the Doctor had come into a situation in which he was in dire need of such a ring and like most dead people his finances weren't all that great.
Did doing this for money make him different from all the other people?
Maybe, maybe not.
But one thing was for certain: Dr. Walker hated ships. He couldn't swim, he got seasick easily and he couldn't tell an anchor from an archboard. His chances for actually getting onto this nightmarish vessel were slim, but he needed the money.
Who would take someone like him on a ship?
At least the crowd was polite - or rather disgusted enough to leave him his space.
One of the few times the pharmacist's rather disfiguring affliction had a positive effect rather than the usual negative one.
Thinking about his motives like this - it made the skeleton wonder.
Why were all the others here? Of course they were in search of money, but what did they plan to use it for? Women, houses, tobacco, what?
Maybe, even though the chance definitely was slim, there even was a man out there looking to donate his share of the treasure to charity.
And what did the captain want with it? Was it a question of honour?
And where did he get that map from in the first place?
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Yo Ho! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yo Ho!   Yo Ho! EmptyFri Jul 11, 2014 6:01 pm

She winced as her wing flared out in pain. The meds were wearing off. That was the second time this hour. The spikes were speeding up from last month. On the bright side, maybe developing a tolerance meant her liver wasn't about to crap out.

The pixie reached inside her shirt and pulled out a small bag. Pouring a few blue tablets, she popped them into her mouth and swallowed. After a few moments she sighed in relief, hiding the bag back underneath her garments.

She couldn't help but wonder what kind of idiots lined up to get on a boat, clinging to some absurd beleif about a promised lands. Besides the religious.

Dr. Hale worked her way through the crowd, trying to make her way to the front. She wasn't about to let anyone beat her on. Anything to get her out of Stormbrooke. There were too many people though. She wasn't going to reach the front at this rate.

"So, you stock up on drink yet?" she said to no one in particular.

A man in front of her answered, "What are you talking about?"

"Oh, you didn't hear. I hear the captian runs a dry ship."


"It's true. I've never seen him in a bar around here. Besides, I heard his last crew up nd offed themselves. They couldn't take the dry spell."

"No possible."

"Don't believe me? Fine. Enjoy drowning yourself in seawater. "

The man turned back around, grumbling to his companion. He, in turn, mumbled. Then another grumbled. Soon, men were flocking away from the dock and back to the bars.

Hale smirked. And made her way to the front with ease now.
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Yo Ho! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yo Ho!   Yo Ho! EmptySat Jul 12, 2014 8:25 pm

Natasha quickly found herself swept down to the docks amongst the crowds of people seeking to join the crew of Lucius Bartleby's ship in the search for Eden. She had first heard about the opportunity a few days previous, when mending a fishing boat down at the very same docks. The boat's owner had asked if she'd heard the rumours of the captain and his search for Eden and when Natasha had given him a curious look, he'd explained in further detail, the two launching into quite a discussion about how people would react to the rumours. With a chuckle she realised that the boat owner had been right in his opinion that most would come out to try and take advantage of the opportunity, but she hadn't quite thought that this many people would line the streets to try and get a place on the ship.

To Natasha, it was an opportunity to actually go out and sail on the open seas. She'd been grounded in Stormbrooke her entire life after her birth father had refused to acknowledge her as his blood and she yearned to do more than just sail around the edges of Stormbrooke to test that her repairs were successful. It seemed that the odds would be against her with this many people seeking to join the crew, but this didn't seem to dampen Natasha's confidence as she reached the docks, dodging around a few people to find somewhere where she could see the ship's captain. When she spotted him, she assumed he was scanning the crowd from the way he glanced at everyone gathered in the docks below. Crossing her arms, she wondered how long it would be until he decided who was to join him on his voyage.
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Yo Ho! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yo Ho!   Yo Ho! EmptyTue Jul 15, 2014 3:33 am

Before he could speak, a young Neko girl dropped down in front of him. As she looked up at him, she looked a bit startled. As she backed away from him, he stopped her with an arm on her shoulder. 

"You've got guts, girlie. I like it. Come aboard, lass, you're the first member of my crew.

As the Neko walked onto Lucius's ship, astonished, he continued to patrol the crowd for more recruits. As he looked, he saw a man surrounded by women, a girl with vibrant red hair, a skeleton who looks like he's seen a lot in his afterlife, a pixie who's wing looked like it'd been in a fight, and a girl with a tattoo under her eye. This lot would do nicely. He then pointed to the group he had seen. 

"You five. Come up here and introduce yourselves."

He gestured for the Neko to join them as well.

"We should get acquainted as well."
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Yo Ho! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yo Ho!   Yo Ho! EmptyWed Jul 16, 2014 11:49 pm

Trina watched the man, a bit asTonished she was the fIrst pick before smirking and speaking to herself "I'm the real pick of the litter now. " She chuckles before crossing her arms, keeping a blank espression as the captain chose five others.

A frown creased her face though when he said for the six of them to get acquainted.

She sighs, this would have happened sooner or later.


Alucard smirks, watching the captain choose the neko girl first. This would surely be entertaining if..

He raised an eyebrow as the captain soon pointed him out. The brunette hugged him tightly, almost taking the air out of him "I'll miss you Alu!"

The blonde spat, "you mean WE'LL miss him! "

Alucard made his escape from the two women as they squabbled again.

He didn't need them any longer anyways. No need to break up a fight that he didn't start anyways. Not intentionally.

His smirk broadened when he seen more women coming aboard. The redhead seemed like a nice treat.

He examined the dead man next. There was no challenge with him.

His eyes then rested on the...pixie.

Perhaps not.

He faced the captain and the others once all aboard, crossing his own arms as he waited patiently.
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