Hey guys, I plan on creating a comic/animation/story of Akuroma the Ralts' Adventures through our merry little world as a celebration of his evolution, plus it'll give me an excuse to draw more. It won't be a serious thing with epic fights, depressing backstories, and tragic death scenes:
Nopenopenopenopenopenope. Nope.
This'll be more of a neutral-funny story. Narrated by Akuroma himself as a Ralts up until the point where he evolves into a Kirlia, which is when he'll start narrating as a Kirlia. It'll be in the form of a "draw my life" narration, as I've heard it called, and the art style I'll use will be similar to Domics on youtube. Akuroma, and any character he's encountered will also be aware of us, calling myself "his player" whenever I am mentioned, and calling anybody else "_____'s player." If you want to learn about some of the things he'll talk about, you can go to my character records and read his history and look at the timeline of his threads.
Now not all threads will get in, and some will get richer detail than others, such as the several threads dealing with the Mirage and Black Mist Arcs. Some extra dialogue between characters might be added, along with guest appearances of said characters.
The dialogue, which'll comprise the "Story" part will either come up with the comic or before. Most likely it'll come with the comic, as to give a face to the dialogue and not make it seem like an emotionless voice. Well...Ralts usually look emotionless so...OH WELL.
Anyways, I've no idea if I will even attempt the animation, as if I do I will most likely add in voice, probably my own along with other people's voices for their own characters, and then the bane of my existence will rear it's ugly head...
lip syncing...But that probably won't happen until after the comic's done either way, or at least I got a a lot of pages done so that I can make the animations without having people have to wait for both the comic and the animation related to it.
Oh, and before I forget, the reason why this post is here instead of in the Library or Art sections is because this is just an information post, I don't plan on having any of the story or art posted in this thread. It's more to see if you guys are interested in it, especially if you want me to attempt animations and give you all the opportunity to hear Blue's impression of a drunken Mirage.
I couldn't resist mentioning it, sorry Blue. Not really. Anyways, it's also for you guys to remind me about the comic and such as I make it, as I'll probably try to get a kind of schedule or whatnot for the chapters to come out.
Also, if you guys know of a good and free animation software and drawing tool (preferably one you download) that is better than Paint, that'd be great. I'd like to give you something that at least doesn't look as half-assed as I plan on it being :D