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Headphone Actor

Headphone Actor

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Pokestuck Empty
PostSubject: Pokestuck   Pokestuck EmptyTue Mar 25, 2014 3:25 am

A young girl stands in her bedroom. It so happens that today, the 24th of March is...is... is not significant in the slightest other than the fact that in the near future, unbeknownst to this girl and practically everyone else, many things will happen. These things don't matter just yet, however, so we're moving on.

It seems this girl has gone long enough without a name. What might it be?

> Blondie Dustybutt

Haha. Very funny. Blondie over here finds your name absolutely hilarious. Try again, loser.

> Lily White

Yes, that's much better.

If you have already forgotten, your name is LILY WHITE. Today is a NORMAL DAY for you, other than the GAME that should be arriving any minute now.

You live in an HAUNTED MANSION that is more formally known as the OLD CHATEAU that is located in ETERNA FOREST, SINNOH. You used to go on ADVENTURES for BADGES all throughout your home region, but for now you've decided to SETTLE DOWN and CHILL WITH THE GHOSTS. You love a GOOD BATTLE and STRIVE FOR VICTORY, but even you must take a break sometimes.

What will you do?

> Wait a bit. Might as well get all these introductions out of the way.
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Pokestuck Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pokestuck   Pokestuck EmptyTue Mar 25, 2014 3:43 am

Another young girl stands in her bedroom. This one however is enjoying a nice cool refreshing can of soda pop, the drink of choice for the awesome rocker this chick was. Though not as good as Gatorade. Gatorade was best overall. Sadly there was none around, but this girl would deal. She doesn't care. Not one bit. Move on.

It seems this girl too needs a name. What shall it be?

>Black Mamba

That was inappropriate and racist. Shame on you! She silently glares at you until you uncomfortably pick a new name.

>Tali Damien

Good, you finally abandoned your silly ways.

You are the rocker formerly and presently (Probably in the future too) known as Tali Damien. You probably should be hyped up about some new game or something, but who has time to hype up when you need to chill with your Authentic replica of Roxie's Guitar. If you cared, you'd be upset it is only a fake, but you are too chill for that, so you just deal.

You are currently chillin at the PENTHOUSE APARTMENT of CASTELIA TOWERS. One might call such digs 'home' and describe such rad surroundings as 'cool'. You obviously call this kind of place 'rad digs', as such a rad rocker is prone to do.

But even the rad have problems. Like where had your pokefriends went? There are numerous places they could hide.

What will you do?

>Look around while the introductions are going on
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Pokestuck Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pokestuck   Pokestuck EmptyWed Mar 26, 2014 12:49 pm

A young female is sat in her bedroom, her ginger hair having been pulled up into a rather messy bun. She doesn't seem to be paying attention, but rather is tickling a large bird-like creature under it's chin. Despite it's size, the bird-like creature seems to enjoy this attention.

You try and name this girl whilst her back is turned, but unfortunately for you, she already has a name as dictated by the certificate for her prowess in the field of archery that is found on her bedroom wall.
Reluctantly you enter the correct name.

> Tess Ashwell

Your name is TESS and you have only recently returned from your JOURNEY around the two regions of HOENN and SINNOH. Though Sinnoh is your home region, you didn't collect very many BADGES on your journey, this not being your CHIEF INTEREST. You live in a small house in ETERNA CITY having moved there with your parents from your awesome real home town of SNOWPOINT CITY when you were younger. You regret moving but suppose if you hadn't moved, you wouldn't have met this rad SWELLOW friend you are currently petting.

You are interested in all sorts of SPORTS, chiefly ARCHERY and like to spend most of your time with your POKÉMON. You still much prefer the SNOW AND ICE of Snowpoint City over the bustling city life that comes with living in Eterna.

That reminds you, you have another POKÉFRIEND. Now where could she have gotten to?

> Tess: Cease petting Swellow.

I'll have you know that Swellow's name is REESE, though you oblige and cease petting your bird companion, opting to look for your other Pokéfriend instead.
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Pokestuck Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pokestuck   Pokestuck EmptySat Mar 29, 2014 11:07 pm

In another bedroom kind of far away but not really THAT far away, sits another girl. This particular girl seems to be partaking in HORRIFICALLY MANGLING an ELECTRIC GUITAR. She apparently thinks of herself as talented. This girl lives in a SHITTY BUNGALOW in the incredibly FRAGRANT and CHEERFUL FLOAROMA TOWN. The BEAUTY and HAPPINESS of said town generally irritates the girl. Back inside the SHITTY BUNGALOW, two creatures resembling canines sit miserably under the twin-bed, ears under assault by the TERRIBLE guitar playing.

You decide to give this girl a name. You get as far as "Butt-Nugget Mc-" when the black-haired girl lights up a match. Feeling threatened, you decide to rename her.

> Erin Rockette.

She narrows her eyes and nods once, slowly. She blows out the match. You have appeased her.

For now.

What will this terrifying and borderline-psychopathic girl do next?

> Erin: Hunt down some sweet snackage while these other tools finish introducing themselves
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Pokestuck Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pokestuck   Pokestuck EmptySun Mar 30, 2014 12:28 am

(Tell me if there is anything wrong with this post, and if so I'll make sure to fix it)

C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER! Although you don't quite get the reference you find it amusingly satisfactory for the situation at hand. A young boy lies backwards against his trusty companion as he stares intently at a television, dexterous fingers tapping to and forth on a controller as he indulges a totally healthy obsession by getting his hourly fix of games. With a combination of skill and luck the television flashes the insignia of his victory, prompting the boy to an obligatory victory ritual of fist pumping...but what is the name of this victorious and skilled adept?

> Conceited No-Life

Nice try but did you even see how many lives he had left by the end of the game?

> Jack O'Wynn

That is two words as, not to be confused with the girl's name Jacqueline, You are JACK O'WYNN. Quite ironically enough, you LOVE GAMES of any kind and WINNING IS EVERYTHING. You strive to get your name on leaderboards and records across a plethora of gaming systems, ALTHOUGH SUCCESS VARIES. Your mother used to read bedtime stories to you when you were younger, but if such FAIRYTALES have taught you anything it is that only the hero lives happily ever after. Since then you have IMMERSED YOURSELF AS THE CHAMPION of a variety of heroic games. Now that you are on your ow-

You trusty companion stops you mid sentence with an glare full of intent. Leave it up to TITANIA, your trusty Togekiss to keep you on track. The commotion must have woken her up. Anywho, your other companion OBERON, a Shiftry should have arrived at your SECRET BASE by now with your next new fix, a game supposed to transcend every other one out there. Arceus forbid you take to the sides of this opportunity like some PAGE or squire, all that is on your MIND is being the hero once again!

>Check for Oberon while introductions continue
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Headphone Actor

Headphone Actor

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Pokestuck Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pokestuck   Pokestuck EmptyMon Mar 31, 2014 1:16 am

Wow, another introduction! Well, i guess we should get this one over with.

Here we have a YOUNG MAN scraping blue goo and red string off a stall in the POKEMON DAYCARE his parents happen to run. Breeders these days with their Destiny Knots and perfect, foreign, shiny Dittos! They always leave such a mess, and guess who has to clean it up afterward!

Anyway, this hard-working lad needs a name. What might it be?

> Dir--

Oh, stop with that nonsense already. You can see his TRAINER CARD lying on the ground right over there, with his name PROUDLY INSCRIBED on it!

> Todd Williams

That's right, your name is TODD WILLIAMS and you are the son of the KALOSIAN DAYCARE. When they retire or pass on, this GLORIOUS ESTABLISHMENT will be yours. You have a good few CHANGES in mind for when that comes on, because from your knowledge a lot of trainers who come by here seem to objectify their Pokemon as MERE TOOLS! For now, you'll work hard to keep things clean.

...You aren't that good at keeping things clean. In the end your ABSENTMINDEDNESS and TENDENCY TO FORGET THINGS causes messes to still be everywhere. Oh well. You tried.

You're already in the middle of something, so no need to come up with something else to do. Who's next?
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Pokestuck Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pokestuck   Pokestuck EmptyMon Mar 31, 2014 1:35 am

Well, time to get HIM out of the way. This might be the least popular introduction here!

We have this... wow. This guy is dark. Not dark and edgy like some ladies might find attractive, but dark as in CHEER UP ALREADY YOU DONK! He is hunched over a book in a house owned by his mother in LAVENDER TOWN. A SPIRITOMB looks at what the boy is hunched over and laughs here and there as if it found what it saw hilariously pathetic.

This sad boy needs a name. Lets get the joke name out of the way.


Oh! Are you tired of this unfunny concept? Maybe its his sadness which has sucked the fun out of the act? Let's do his real name then.

>Wade Garrett

Oh yes, you are the depressed WADE GARRETT. You always seem so depressed. Some blame the strange LAVENDER TOWN SYNDROME. Others blame your ghost pokemon for bullying you constantly. Others even blame your mother's change to violent mood swings when she drinks! In any case, you have no aspirations and assume you won't be going anywhere. Wow... what a guy.

Okay, I can't take anymore of this sadness. Go to someone ANYONE ELSE!

>Go see how Tess is doing on her search
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Location : Jabberwock Island

Pokestuck Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pokestuck   Pokestuck EmptyMon Mar 31, 2014 2:37 am

> Tess: Proceed downstairs.

Already knowing that your other Pokéfriend is not in your bedroom, you promptly decide to saunter down the stairs and into the kitchen, where you spot your MOTHER at the table. Apparently she's managing to have a rather interesting discussion with your other Pokéfriend. Looks like you found her already!
The FROSLASS seems to be extremely happy that your mother is even talking at all, which doesn't surprise you considering the fact that she used to have a FEAR OF SNORUNT that would render her nearly CATATONIC at the sight of them. Now that your Pokéfriend has evolved, they seem to get along famously.

You never did find out why your mother was so terrified of such a cute little pokemon. Oh well.

> Tess: Interrupt their charming conversation.

You do so without too much effort. In fact, just by walking into the room your mom immediately halts conversation with your Froslass friend to hand you a BOX that came in the mail. For a short moment you wonder what in Sinnoh it could be, before you remember it's that GAME all your friends were talking about and somehow convinced you into purchasing.

Before you can take it however, Reese decides to choose this moment to fly down the stairs and into the kitchen. His large wingspan knocks the box off the table and you now find your kitchen extremely crowded and accumulating a sprinkling of dark blue feathers upon the floor as the Swellow tries and fails to land in different places.
Despite the chaos of your irrevocably small kitchen, you somehow make it to your home's MUCH LARGER living room. You never understood why the rooms were so disproportionate, but you suppose it might come in handy should you ever decide to host a large party of some description.

Now that Reese and your Froslass friend EIRA have settled down, you take a moment to relish the calm after the storm.
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Pokestuck Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pokestuck   Pokestuck EmptyMon Mar 31, 2014 9:30 pm

Alright let's pan over to our next introduction. Yippee. (That was sarcasm).

In this ADMITTEDLY FEMININE room stands a young man. He happens to be currently located in the apartment he shares with his SISTER in GOLDENROD CITY. This young man is brunette, with soulful green eyes. Okay, so they aren't really that soulful. More dopey than anything, really.

Back to the point. We are introducing this young man. At this point in time he is bent over a desk, scribbling furiously with a NEON ORANGE GLITTER PEN. About his head flutters a VIVILLION named ESTLIN. Curled up on his AMAZINGLY CLUTTERED bed is a NOIBAT named NYX. Now that we've properly introduced his companions, let us give this young man a name.

> Shitface McGillicutty

Haha. I bet all the little kids find you hilarious.

> Finn Hargraves

There you go. Your name is FINN HARGRAVES and you are VERY ENTHUSIASTIC about POETRY and BOOKS. Unfortunately, it's time to get back to the terrifying girl.

> Erin: Hunt down some sweet snackage while these other tools finish introducing themselves

You make a face. It is not a pretty face. Don't ever do it again. For our sake. Leaving your room is such a hassle. Whatever you lazy asshole, do you want cheese puffs or what?

That settles it. You exit your room and ninja yourself past your ANNOYING MOTHER. She thankfully doesn't give two shits and ignores you. As you pass the kitchen table you spot a package. Not caring whose it is, you tear into it. Oh look! It was actually addressed to you! It appears to be a copy of that lame game your friends have been talking about. The only reason you ordered it is because you couldn't let those losers go and do things without you. They might think they're cooler than you are. Which they aren't. At all.

You light up another match. Staring into the flames, you nod slowly.

You are the coolest. The others will bow before you.

Anyway, back to the snacks. Upon opening the cabinet, you realize that your ANNOYING MOTHER forgot to get a new bag of cheese puffs. You, in a fit of fury, set fire to the toaster before returning to your room.

> Erin: Figure out what the hell your asshole friends are up to

> Finn: Stop writing and do something interesting
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Pokestuck Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pokestuck   Pokestuck EmptySat Apr 05, 2014 8:31 pm

>Jack: Stop dancing around like an idiot

One would argue that you weren't dancing, simply jumping for joy at the newest package that your Shiftry brought you. You fail to deny the notion that it looks idiotic regardless. You stop jumping and head back inside, Oberon following in suit, to further inspect the package. You find Titania has somehow managed to switch channels on your TV to some Soap Opera, though you don't question how or attempt to change the channel back.

>Jack: Open the Package

Already ahead of schedule, Jack opened the package in advance and proceeds to inspect his latest acquisition....a game of mythic porportions and heralded in legends, rumored far and wide but rarely seen...but with your determination and spirit you set out on an epic journey to find and acquire the beast. All this happened on the internet of course....that and in your exaggerated imagination. The game was none other than S???B, such a great find (and at a great deal too) that you just can't keep it to yourself! Pulling out your handy dandy advanced-to-of-the-line-fully-spec'd-out-and-optimized-hardcore-elite-gaming laptop, you decide to message one of your various internet compatriots about it...

<Insert Log That has Yet to be Made but will be Edited in Here>
>Jack: Proceed based off log (Which will be edited in)
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Pokestuck Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pokestuck   Pokestuck Empty

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