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 The Last of Us - A Rp

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PostSubject: The Last of Us - A Rp   The Last of Us - A Rp - Page 2 EmptyTue Jan 28, 2014 1:04 am

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They say after the storm comes a calm; but it's an eerie calmness that feels almost... false. Safety is found in the silence that follows, only for one to turn and gaze upon the destruction wrought by the harsh, powerful winds and unrelenting rain.
Toppled fences, shattered windows... Oh, if only life were that simple now.


A pale sunrise peaked over the horizon, it's fiery orange hues ever so slowly fading into the blue of the day. As dawn broke and warmth from the sun's rays flooded the world, a pair of sky blue eyes blinked open. Blearily glancing around, Allegra's hand reached up to shade her eyes from the dappled sunlight; she squinted, trying to locate the origin of said light. As her blue gaze focused on her surroundings, she realised that the sunlight was coming in through bullet holes in the door and gaps in the wood panelling that boarded up a nearby window. Dropping her hand from her face, she turned away from the brightness of the light and pushed herself into a seated position. She appeared to have fallen asleep slouching against a wall inside what appeared to be an abandoned house. As she began to adjust to the light peering in through the window, she became painfully aware of the distant wailing and incoherent mumblings of the people who had been unlucky; those who had been infected by the cordyceps.

For a small quarantine zone, Haverhill Q.Z had previously held quite a big population when compared to similar zones across the country. Allegra could only wonder how many others had fallen to the fungus in the days preceding; her legs still ached from running. She was one of the lucky ones. After becoming separated from her parents shortly after the chaos started, a soldier had told her to run, pointing her in a direction he'd hoped would be safer. She had heeded his words and had run as fast as her legs would carry her, dodging the other people, both normal and infected alike, until she had entered this building. Closing the door behind her, she'd attempted to block it with a sturdy dresser, but had given up half way in exhaustion, collapsing near the wall and drifting off into sleep.
Now wide awake, her thoughts returned to her family. Were they all right? Were they safe? She could only hope that they had been just as lucky as herself.

Slowly getting to her feet, Allegra massaged her aching arms before searching her pockets for the switchblade she always kept on her person. Her parents had given it to her years ago, just in case anything like.. well, this happened. The blade was thin and silver, and it had a pearly, turquoise handle. Locating the switchblade in the pocket of her jeans she took it out, holding it in front of her as she proceeded to check the rest of the abandoned house for signs of life. Swiftly she cleared the ground floor, spending more time than was necessary as if she wanted to delay heading upstairs. It wasn't a fruitless waste of time though, as she found an old can of fish in a corner of what looked to have previously been a living room; but she found nothing that would harm her. Deciding to hold onto the unopened, 15 year old can of fish for now, she finally turned her attention to the staircase. She was pretty sure that if anything was actually in here it would have heard her by now and attacked her, but it was always better to be safe than sorry. Those words had been drummed into her mind many a time by tutors, parents and soldiers alike.

She reached the top of the staircase with little to no noise made on her part, despite some of the steps having holes in their wooden surfaces with half a step being missing in certain cases. Allie then began to systematically search each room for any hidden 'surprises,' keeping her switchblade pointed in front of her lest something leap out from the shadows. Heading towards the first of the doors on this floor of the abandoned building, she gently grasped the handle with her weaker hand, twisting it before giving the door a gentle push inwards. The door made a quiet creaking sound, made louder by the silence of the house. Peering into the room with the knife still wielded in front of her, she realised it was a bathroom. A quick glance told her that it was empty and she left the room, closing the door behind her.
The next room was just as empty, though she assumed it had previously been a bedroom due to how personalised it seemed; torn and dusty posters covering various parts of the walls.

Reaching the third and final room on that floor of the house Allegra gently twisted the handle and pushed the door open. This door was accompanied by little more than the noise of it brushing against the carpet beneath it, much to Allie's relief. Upon wandering into the room, she lowered her switchblade and let out a breath she didn't realise she'd been holding. It too was empty like the others, which meant she was well and truly safe, for now. Checking the drawers of an opened cupboard, she found nothing but more dust and an old photograph that was likely of the people who had formerly owned this house; before the world went to shit of course. Taking the photo from it's long held position, Allegra stepped backward and sat down on a mattress that had been abandoned in a corner of the room. Lying down on it, she held the photo up to where it caught the light that came in through the window. They just looked so happy. No one ever looks this happy, at least not that she could remember. Not anymore.

Last edited by Solilo on Tue Feb 04, 2014 7:10 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Wording of a sentence that I just couldn't let lie |D)
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PostSubject: Re: The Last of Us - A Rp   The Last of Us - A Rp - Page 2 EmptyFri Feb 28, 2014 12:44 pm

He winced somewhat as Allie slipped slightly, hearing the tiles hit the ground but luckily seeing that she was still on the roof. Vincent listened to what she was saying, nodding his head and mouthing the word "Okay". Climbing out of the window and onto the ledge she had just been on, the teen leaned against the outer wall, managing to keep his balance as he moved down to where it would be easier to reach the roof. Making it to the ledge she had jumped from, he waited a moment to gather himself and jumped to the next rooftop, managing to land without much trouble. Breathing out a sigh of relief, Vinny glanced around the area, trying to figure out their next move.
"Alright, that went well. We're dropping in on the garden now, then?" He asked, starting to step further into the roof to stay away from the edges. Falling down was the last thing he wanted to do.
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PostSubject: Re: The Last of Us - A Rp   The Last of Us - A Rp - Page 2 EmptySat Mar 01, 2014 1:22 am

"I don't think this roof leads anywhere so dropping into the garden would probably be best," she replied, following Vincent's lead and promptly moving into the more centred area where there was less danger of falling. Slowly, and cautiously checking each placement of her feet before moving on, she made her way to the lower part of the roof and peered over the side to see how far the drop would be.

Turning around she lowered herself down off the roof, dropping the final distance and landing in the overgrown grass below. As she did, she caught sight of a familiar tin can within the grass a short distance away. Putting her hands in her pockets, she realised that the can of some sort of fish must have fallen from her pockets when she'd leaped from the windowsill. Wandering over, she picked up the can figuring it'd be useful in the long run.
"Hey, fancy some..." she paused, looking at the remains of a label on the tin, "Tuna?" she asked quietly, holding the can up.
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PostSubject: Re: The Last of Us - A Rp   The Last of Us - A Rp - Page 2 EmptyMon Mar 03, 2014 11:17 pm

Vincent nodded his head and followed Allie, staying close behind as they went across the roof. Well, she seems to know what she's doing. That's good. He thought to himself, standing still as she lowered herself off the rood. The teen decided he would stay up there for a short time, just to make sure nothing was coming for the two of them once she climbed down.
"Huh?" He asked, still on the roof as she mentioned the tuna. "Uh, might be nice to hold on to. Just in case." Vinny responded, finally lowering himself off of the roof. He dropped into the garden, quietly walking where Allegra had gone and searching around them for any signs of infected in the vicinity.
"How did you manage to just find tuna out here?" He questioned out of curiosity, whispering as he caught up with the girl.
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PostSubject: Re: The Last of Us - A Rp   The Last of Us - A Rp - Page 2 EmptyTue Mar 04, 2014 7:47 pm

"I actually found it in the house earlier," she replied quietly, glad for someone to talk to even if it was just an answer to a small curiosity. It was better than being alone after all, even if it wasn't for long.
"I think it must have fallen out of my pocket when I jumped onto the roof."
Glancing around, Allegra scanned the garden they were in. Although the cries of the infected could still be heard, she felt somewhat safer here as there were fences that blocked the area from the surrounding streets and neighbourhood. This didn't block out the the fact that she knew she would be hopping right back into the frying pan soon enough, however. She wandered through the tall grass, enjoying another moment of peace.
"So what do you plan on doing now?" she asked Vincent all of a sudden. Though she didn't know him personally, his face was somewhat familiar to her suggesting that she'd seen him around the quarantine zone somewhere. From what she knew, he was pretty much in the same situation as her.
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PostSubject: Re: The Last of Us - A Rp   The Last of Us - A Rp - Page 2 EmptyMon Mar 10, 2014 8:01 pm

Staying silent as Allegra spoke, the teen listened and walked around the garden, looking down in search of anything he could use as a weapon. Crouching down in the dirt, he noticed a handle sticking up and pulled the tool out, revealing it to be a trowel. Glancing at it for a moment, Vincent decided to leave it, sticking it back in the ground and standing up.
"My plan? I'm getting out of the quarantine zone. As you might have noticed," He gestured the area around him with his arm, waving it slightly. "It's not exactly quarantined anymore. So, I figure it's time to pack up some supplies, get the hell out of dodge and find another zone to go to." The teen smirked slightly, not showing any sign of recognizing Allegra at all from the zone. He took a few steps back over to her.
"So, what about you? What's your plan of action?" Vincent questioned.
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PostSubject: Re: The Last of Us - A Rp   The Last of Us - A Rp - Page 2 EmptyMon Mar 10, 2014 8:52 pm

Allegra poked at some broken glass with her shoe as Vincent picked up the trowel before replacing it where he had found it. As she had herself a useful and trusty switchblade, she needn't pick up anything that would be more of a hazard to herself than the infected, like the jagged edges of broken glass that looked like it had originated from some old shed window.
Glancing back to Vincent as he spoke she nodded. Of course, that was what any sane person would do.
"I suppose... I should probably be trying to get out as well," she replied quietly, knowing that Vincent was just going to think her an idiot, "But I can't leave until I find my parents. They're still here somewhere."
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PostSubject: Re: The Last of Us - A Rp   The Last of Us - A Rp - Page 2 EmptyTue Mar 11, 2014 1:42 pm

Vincent frowned somewhat as she spoke, hearing what she had to say. Should be? Great, that doesn't sound like there's some sort of conditional at all... He thought to himself before she finished, shaking his head slightly.
"Look, I don't really know how to put this, but things were pretty bad last I saw. Really bad. I don't know what you expect to find back there, but if they're still around then..." Vincent trailed off at the end, sighing somewhat and keeping an eye on Allie. The last thing he needed at the moment was to say something that might set her off, something that could make her attack him out of anger. Most likely she wouldn't, but there was always the chance that she was slightly unhinged. There were plenty of people like that these days.
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PostSubject: Re: The Last of Us - A Rp   The Last of Us - A Rp - Page 2 EmptyTue Mar 11, 2014 3:22 pm

Allie remained silent as she watched Vincent's expression turn to a frown. Of course that would be someone's normal reaction to the idea of staying in a fallen quarantine zone for any longer than they had to.
"Hey, I'm not saying you have to stay with me," she replied as Vincent trailed off, "I just know I'm not leaving without knowing if they're still here. And if our house hasn't been completely looted I'll probably reclaim some of my stuff," she finished before she swiftly made her way over to the fence on the other side of the garden. The only belongings she had with her at the moment were her switchblade and the clothes she wore. Finding what looked to be an old ceramic plant pot, Allegra pulled it up to the unusually high fence and stood on it, peering over to see what dangers awaited her on the other side.
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PostSubject: Re: The Last of Us - A Rp   The Last of Us - A Rp - Page 2 EmptySun Mar 16, 2014 8:03 pm

He sighed, thinking about what Allie was saying as he stood by, watching her boost herself up to the fence with a pot in order to see what was on the other side. She was definitely thinking with good intentions, but that didn't mean they weren't impractical. Vinny still knew that the likelihood that she would find her parents alive and well there was nowhere near being in her favor. On the other hand, I really don't have many supplies. If I go back, things may have quieted down somewhat and I can get more. She seems like I can trust her for now at least...
"What do you see over there?" Vinny stepped over to the girl as she stood at the fence, looking up at her and waiting for an answer.
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PostSubject: Re: The Last of Us - A Rp   The Last of Us - A Rp - Page 2 EmptyFri Mar 21, 2014 10:42 am

"Looks clear, for now," she replied quietly, though the sounds of infected could still be heard in the distance, signifying that there were a few of them around. Allegra then proceeded to scale the fence as swiftly and quietly as possible, before dropping down on the other side and crouching for a moment to double check that her first 'scout' of the area had been correct. When there was nothing of danger to be found, Allie got to her feet and began walking in the direction that would lead closer to the other streets and houses. She did pause however to call out a quick, "still clear," before she moved off, expecting Vincent to go in the opposite direction, towards the edge of the zone.
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