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Moderator and Dark Ducklett Priestess

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Anti-Gravity Empty
PostSubject: Anti-Gravity   Anti-Gravity EmptyTue Jan 07, 2014 4:12 am

Some people have absolutely no regard for the laws. Yes, it would seem some people are natural-born rule breakers; or at least, they seem that way. On occasion, a seemingly "good", "obedient" person will take a turn for the rebellious. Indeed, the world is full of misguided ne'er-do-wells, it seems.

But the ne'er-do-wells have all the fun.

Oh. You want to know what a Ne'er-do-well is?

It's rather simple.

A Ne'er-do-well is a being born to break rules. That's about it. They typically have a special power on their side like time or ESP or even something like morals that allows them to daintly trample over any and every law or rule that exists while not having to suffer the repercussions. A natural menace, one might think. But not all Ne'er-do-wells are born inherently bad. Then again, they're just about as diverse as anything that exists.

Typically born to human families, although it's possibly for a Ne'er-do-well to take any shape. Because of their strange abilities, one can only expect that a Ne'er-do-well would typically be rejected immediately by those who follow the laws or the "norms".

How curious a predicament the Ne'er-do-wells find themselves in. Is it really okay to punish a being created to break rules? Is it even in a non-Ne'er-do-well's power to punish them?

Of course, the Ne'er-do-wells aren't the only strange beings in existence. But they're the only ones I came up with and it's not even my job to assign the rest of you lugheads your identities in this RP; be whatever the bumfluff you want. A ne'er-do-well, a god, a Texas rancher; hell, you could be a nun and I wouldn't give a single flying fff-duck. I ain't in charge. I'm just a poor boi, I need no sympathy...

Anyways. Back to what I was saying.

There was one such Ne'er-do-well living on a remote island somewhere that was known for causing shipwrecks. All kinds of shipwrecks. Cruise ships, pirate ships, yachts; even military fleets had gone down there. The island had once been a pretty well-inhabited place, but now it was completely empty and covered in tiny ghost towns. All except for one funny little being named Anarchy Rain; Rain being her middle name.

Anarchy was a Ne'er-do-well accompanied by the power of luck. Ain't nobody ever been luckier than little Anarchy, who could only be described as a teenager dwelling in the body of a tall 9 or 10 year-old. Her specific age isn't really important currently, and Ne'er-do-wells have slower heartbeats and longer lifespans (around 3-4 billion heartbeats, whereas the average lifespan of most most creatures tops at around 1.5 billion or so heartbeats) so they age differently. Just because I say so.

This morning, Anarchy has decided to perch herself on a rock and stare blankly out to sea. She was feeling rather "meh" like that when she woke up. Sometimes some tourists would come along and she would get her kicks out of watching them try to figure out how she continually beat them at poker without cheating, but today was pretty quiet. Anarchy had lost count of the days since she had seen any tourists at all, so she wasn't quite sure when they were to show up next.

Could be today.
Could be next week.
Maybe next year.
Man, the sun is bright.
Wonder what Oprah is up to.
My foot is itchy.

Last edited by FoxFireAlchemist on Sun Jan 26, 2014 4:56 am; edited 12 times in total
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Anti-Gravity Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anti-Gravity   Anti-Gravity EmptyTue Jan 07, 2014 4:36 am

Jace opened his eyes as he had many times. Alone, confused, and lost. Throughout his life Jace found he had a peculiar knack for getting himself in bad situations. Whether it be something as simple as his car breaking down, or as elaborate as being stuck in a Cuban prison for 6 months. This particular incident, was one of his more complicated examples of bad luck.

He was sitting against a small oar boat, not 10 feet from the ocean, on a beach... somewhere? It just occurred to him that he literally had no idea as to where he was, how he got there, or why he was on a boat in the first place! He didn't even like the sea, or boats, or water as a matter of fact.

He slowly stood up, and called out, "Hello!? Anyone... uh..." He scanned the around the horizon shielding his eyes from the sun, but he saw no one. Only tree's. "Ughghggh..." He sighed and sat down hard in the sand, thinking outloud appropriately, "Just my luck."

So there he was, on the shore of some island, in some place, without another person miles around, or so he thought.
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Anti-Gravity Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anti-Gravity   Anti-Gravity EmptyTue Jan 07, 2014 4:40 am

It would seem this luck would work out in favor of Anarchy. As lucky as you can get when something crashes out of the sky into the water. Off in the distance, a dark shape the size of a few cars was falling from the sky, smoking from the back and heading down towards the water. As it started to get closer, the object seemed to level out, heading straight and skipping on the surface of the water, until crashing, sliding into the sand on the beach and slowing to a halt a few short feet away from Anarchy and just shy of hitting the rowboat that held Jace.

The ship was a strange one, looking like an advanced plain. It looked like something out of a sic-fi movie, thrusters behind it and an alien-esque appearance. As the ship sat there, smoking, a section of it the size of an average human adult unlocked, opening on its own.

"What was that...that could have gone much better. Much better indeed." A voice coughed as a figure stepped out of the ship. He had a white short sleeved button up shirt on with a black vest over it, and a pair of what appeared to be jeans. Everything about him appeared to be what a normal human sixteen year old boy would look like, save for an odd circular marking placed on the top of his right hand, looking like a tattoo with gray streaks trailing off up his arm.

"Right, now, where am I, uh..." He started to mutter, pausing as he looked up and finally noticed Anarchy on the rock. The boy paused for a moment, brushing some dirty blonde hair out of his eyes as he squinted up at her.
"So...got anything to eat?" He asked out of nowhere, still looking up at the girl.
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Moderator and Dark Ducklett Priestess

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Anti-Gravity Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anti-Gravity   Anti-Gravity EmptyTue Jan 07, 2014 5:24 am

Anarchy barely batted an eyelash. She had been to busy staring into space to notice the crash. Or, anything, for that matter. Anyways, these were some pretty freaky tourists. Anarchy hopped off her rock and suddenly ice blue hair down to the sand. Anarchy had hella long hair and eyes the color of pure witchcraft, baby (or in layman's terms, her irises were completely black with a thin line of lavender which bordered and helped define her pupils). Her outfit pretty much looked like a white military uniform of some kind.

She approached the weirdo without a name, but before speaking her hair began to twitch as though it was alive. It suddenly split in half, each half twisting itself into a hand. The hands then shot over and randomly started poking Jace because Anarchy was still really bored. "Poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke..." she giggled as she stopped within two fee of the nameless weirdo.

"What kind of food are you wanting? The safe kind, the poisonous kind, or the kind that let's Montezuma take his revenge on confused tourists like you?" Anarchy asked. "Gotta be specific. Otherwise you might end up fat. Or dead," she added, tapping her temple as she spoke. She started to pick Jace up with her hair-hands meanwhile, intending on dragging him over to where the party was at.

Last edited by FoxFireAlchemist on Tue Jan 07, 2014 6:31 am; edited 1 time in total
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Anti-Gravity Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anti-Gravity   Anti-Gravity EmptyTue Jan 07, 2014 5:34 am

Before Jace managed to even put together that a ship had crashed, a teenager stepped out, asked for food of all things, he had started being... poked. At first he shoo'd away whatever it was, assuming it was a bug. Then when the poking reached an obnoxious level, he looked and saw... a hand? Made of... he followed it over to a tiny... child... wearing what looked like a sailors outfit. He might've almost laughed at the sight of such a thing before the extra appendages started to try and lift him off the ground. "Hey, what-" He yanked at them, attempting to pry them off. This was shaping up to be a great deal different then his other experiences, and he'd been awake for what? One, two minutes?
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Anti-Gravity Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anti-Gravity   Anti-Gravity EmptyTue Jan 07, 2014 5:49 am

The unnamed boy blinked, looking over at Anarchy with a blank expression, his eyes widening as her hair turned into...hands? He turned and watched as she started to poke Jace.
"Je dirais que la bonne nourriture, merde, c'est un dysfonctionnement." The boy spoke, placing his hand over the circular marking on I his other hand, closing his eyes as he focused.
"Right, I think this is the actual language. As I was saying, good food would be nice." He answered, before pointing at Jace.
"Hey, you're using those wrong. Back on my planet people who could do that used it to-" The boy studying switched into another language, one that didn't match any one heard on earth. He frowned and pressed his hand to the marking once more, waiting a bit before speaking again.
"There, much better. Now who are you two? And where am I?" He asked nonchalantly.
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Moderator and Dark Ducklett Priestess

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Anti-Gravity Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anti-Gravity   Anti-Gravity EmptyTue Jan 07, 2014 6:20 am

Part of one of the hands broke off and returned to being hair, returning to the length it had originally been and drooping down lifelessly. Anarchy continued to stare at the weirdo creep without blinking.

"I don't even know what you're talking about; I'm assuming it's my hair. Also, French is a pretty crumby language. It's really boring." Anarchy replied bluntly. The bottom of the hair that had detached from the hand began to morph again, this time becoming a little female marionette doll; complete with a dress and pigtails. It remained the same color as Anarchy's hair because Anarchy was feeling particularly lazy.

Anarchy nonchalantly tangled the hair that hadn't transformed up around her fingers, and with a few slight finger movements the doll was up and walking around. Anarchy walked her little puppet over to the weirdo creeper, making it look up at him. She then made it stomp on his foot with about the same force as a normal foot has when it stomps. The doll then collapsed into a pile of hair as Anarchy released the marionette's "strings", and the hair receded to it's normal length.

"I have some food that's safe to eat; it's free with your purchase of a tour of the island. Which is also free. Because I'm bored and I have plenty of fire-starting material already." Anarchy told the weirdo creeper. She finally dragged the other guy over and released him, her hair completely reverting back to, well hair.

"Anarchy Medusa. Rain is my middle name."

Anarchy continued to stare without blinking. "I don't know what's up with the weird place where you come from, but my hair isn't for some kind of 'mating ritual', or whatever you creepy creeps do with it." Anarchy added bluntly. "It's more like a bulletproof extra appendage of sorts that reacts to my imagination. It's kinda like spider silk and state-changing play-doh put together, I guess... In any case, it's hair. Now let's get this tour on the road, before I start imagining two nooses. Noose. Moose. Lol."
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Anti-Gravity Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anti-Gravity   Anti-Gravity EmptyTue Jan 07, 2014 7:08 am

His eyes fluttered open. He groaned. Wilson was an idiot. Cuddy was an idiot. Idiots. His leg. Hurt. Vicodin had worn off. Judging by the pain, he must have been out for at least two hours. He reached into his coat pocket. The bottle rattled. A few. A pop, the bottle opened. A pop, the pills were in his mouth, soon his stomach. He closed his eyes, waited a moment, then sighed.

Recommended dose my ass.

The pain subsided. Still there, always there. He lived in pain.

Were there enough? He grabbed his shoulder, felt a strap. He opened the bag. It rattled like baby's favorite toy. Plenty. He other hand shot out, he felt it. Baby's favorite walking stick.

Idiots. If he'd wanted to relax, he could have done that in his apartment. His apartment had alcohol, a piano, and a butt-load of pills. What did a cruise ship have? Shuffleboard, old ladies, and a bunch of Broadway rejects putting on one of God's greatest punishments to man: musicals.

Had Rogers and Hammerstein ever planned to have their work performed for fishies? The boat had gone down. Of all the captains that Mid-Life Crisis Cruises hired, he got the genius who forgot what big, pointy rocks can do to a hull.

He opened his eyes and rolled them. The sun made him squint. Pushing himself up, he sat on a beach, the waves crashing back and forth. His jacket was making him hot. He threw it off. Rolled up the sleeves of his blue button up. He pushed himself up, putting most of his weight on the cane in his right hand. It was cool, for a stick. Black, flames, the whole deal.

Looking further down the beach, he saw three figures. He squinted. He wasn't dehydrated. Wasn't hot enough. Not a mirage. Slowly, he started to limp down the beach.

"Hey!" he called out, "Gilligan, Mary Ann! You wouldn't happen to have seen the Skipper around here have you? Actually, scratch that. Where's the Movie Star? She's got a better ass."

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Anti-Gravity Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anti-Gravity   Anti-Gravity EmptyTue Jan 07, 2014 6:43 pm

Jace, after being dragged over by the demon-esque child, looked back to see a third person hobbling over shouting about... well at the moment he didn't care. So here he was, with a kid out of The Exorcism, another kid who could only assume was an alien, or from Canada, and a cripple was on his way over. "Has the world gone mad?!" He pulled himself up in a huff. "Where the heck am I? Is this about San Fransisco? The money was counterfeit any-" He froze mid-sentence as his eyes went glossy.

A brief pause then he jolted back into awareness but he was... different. His shoulders were hunched and he had a dopey smile. He yawned and looked around, only to find himself on a beach with some carnies. He looked back and forth between them before he pointed at the smoking space ship, "What's with the weird plane?" Alek, one of Jaces personalities, had just taken over.

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Anti-Gravity Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anti-Gravity   Anti-Gravity EmptyFri Jan 10, 2014 1:46 am

"Hey, it's not technically a mating ritual, and besides, I'm no creepy creep. I'm a sophisticated creep." He protested, frowning slightly at the girl. "As for your tour, I really should try to fix my ship with whatever you guys have on this planet, but I suppose if it has food I'll go for it. If you need to call me anything, I'm Priam Invitior Klareck Aloreck. If you need something shorter, Priam works." The boy nodded his head, blinking as the strange man with some sort of wooden rod started to hobble over, mentioning something about movie stars and some guy named Gilligan.
"I don't know what you're talking about, I haven't seen any donkeys around here yet." Priam bluntly called back over, not understanding the terminology. As something about a ship was mentioned he quickly stepped over to it, examining the wreckage.
"It's not a weird ship, it's a Hydro-Electric Powered Surveying Ship. Or a HEPPS if you prefer." He responded to Alek, not knowing about the sudden change in personality. He didn't pay any attention to the others around for the moment, focused in on assessing the damage.
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Anti-Gravity Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anti-Gravity   Anti-Gravity EmptyFri Jan 10, 2014 4:45 am

Suddenly, the air above the ocean began to ripple, as if a stone had smacked the surface of the blue waves underneath, instead of seemingly nothing forcing the air to convulse and shimmer. A slight humming sound could be heard as the edge of something blue in color, (upon second look, appeared to be hair) began to poke out of the disturbance. As slowly as a snail, the strange turquoise blob began to almost inflate towards the group, puffing out into sudden existence. The blob began to shape more into a monochromatic human, as a defined face appeared, then a torso, then finally the legs. It either defied gravity, going out perfectly parallel, or the vortex was strong enough to support the object.

Finally the last toe emerged, and with a pop, the thing fell quickly towards the ground, the translucent hairlike blue receding like ocean waves, growing shorter and shorter, until it hit about the human-like thing's shoulders, blowing in the wind. As the thing approached the sea, the more and more obvious the thing was a human girl. Her eyes were disturbingly still open, her mouth agape, like she was screaming, or she seen Medusa's face and turned to stone. With a flash, seconds before the girl hit the endless blue, she suddenly jerked.

"-LY I'M GOING TO HURT YO-" The girl spashed the ocean and went under, before bobbing out of the waters again, gagging from the salt water that rushed into her nose and mouth. "I CAN'T-" she sputtered, "SWIM!" she said to nobody in particular, flopping around like a certain useless orange fish, panting and wheezing.

(Sorry for shitty post, I'm sorta sick and writing whatever comes to mind...And she's totally not like in chest deep water and freaking out /shot)
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Moderator and Dark Ducklett Priestess

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Anti-Gravity Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anti-Gravity   Anti-Gravity EmptySat Feb 01, 2014 6:06 pm

Anarchy's attention was drawn immediately to the girl who was floundering about in the nearby water, screaming about swimming. "Swimming's easy, silly karp!" she called, bounding into the water while the creepy creep Priam fiddled with his silly ship. The water came about 3/4 of the way up her face, but when you have magic hair it's not like it really even matters. Standing on hair stilts, Anarchy looked down at the floundering girl.

"Alright, pay attention; I'm only gonna show you this once," Anarchy began, picking up the girl with a pair of hair-hands that were scaled down in size. "I'll even help you out and plug your nose for you, okay?" Anarchy reached out with her own hand and pinched the girl's nose shut. "Alright, ready...? KICK YOUR FEET!!!" she suddenly squealed, plunging the girl under the water. "YEAH! GO! You're doing it!!" She shouted encouragingly, pinning the girl under the water. "Hey mister boat man, you should learn how to swim too!" Another pair of hair-hands shot out and unknowingly snagged Alec, wha had since replaced Jace. She started to drag him out to the water and pin him there, too. She also grabbed the weird guy yelling something about getting the booty cause why the hack not; he looked like he could stand to learn how to swim.
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Anti-Gravity Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anti-Gravity   Anti-Gravity EmptySat Feb 01, 2014 6:16 pm

"Oh righ-" Then Alec was being dragged into the water. Moments before disappearing under the water, he said something philosophical as always, "Woah, killer due." And with that, he was under water. A blessing and a curse, Alec literally had no care in the world. Not even drowning. The only thing on his mind was that the water tasted funny.
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Anti-Gravity Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anti-Gravity   Anti-Gravity Empty

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