"I see..." Nate chuckled, making his way up the wall by reaching for different handholds and uneven places to pull himself up. Despite being a Pikachu, he seemed to be a very able climber from the looks of things, a bit of experience helped. Yeah, if only I had these sorts of grips back with that Meowth and Sneasel. Wouldn't have to had stayed stuck on Crysel's back the whole time... Nate found himself nearing the end of his climb a bit before Izumi, staying above her as he grabbed onto the final ledge with his paws and prepared to pull himself up. He would have, had his first view of the top not been a set of yellow feet. Slowly looking upwards, Nate paused for a moment as the Scraggy, no doubt the one they, well he, was after, stood in his way. Before he could get himself up, or charge an electric attack, the Scraggy lashed out with a kick, hitting the Pikachu in the face and knocking him into a downward fall. Nate let out a short yell, quickly composing himself as he grabbed for the closest thing, which happened to be Izumi after he had fallen a short distance.
"Uh, getting up isn't going to be so easy. I found that Scraggy I was going after..." The Pikachu muttered, holding onto Izumi's back with a hard grip.